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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
1/26/2023 9:54:02 AM
Creation date
1/26/2023 9:44:34 AM
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Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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80 both signal lights at Woodhill and County Road C. This will probably be under split <br />81 phasing. Left Turns will still be able to work even though the signal will not be as <br />82 efficient but it still should work. The only access will be into The Point or Amara. <br />83 The apartment building across the street will still have full access other. <br />84 <br />85 Mr. Freihammer addressed Commission questions regarding construction issues. <br />86 <br />87 Mr. Culver indicated at the end of April the Mayor's Emergency Declaration for <br />88 virtual meetings is going to expire. He indicated starting with the May meeting all <br />89 Commissioners will be required to attend the meetings in person, in a public space. <br />90 He believed the hybrid meetings will continue to allow the public to view and <br />91 respond remotely. <br />92 <br />93 6. Regional Bike Plan Review and Discussion <br />94 Mr. Culver introduced Jesse Thomsen, Senior Pedestrian, Bicycle, ADA Planner <br />95 for the Minnesota Department of Transportation who made a presentation on the <br />96 Pathway Master Plan. The Commission is asked to consider and recommend future <br />97 action for the City. <br />98 <br />99 Chair Ficek asked Mr. Thomsen to expand on how MnDOT can work with <br />100 Roseville if the City were to move forward with some sort of bike plan. He <br />101 wondered what MnDOT's role would be in that. <br />102 <br />103 Mr. Thomsen reviewed the steps that would be taken to coordinate highway <br />104 crossings, alignment of upcoming work as well as coordination along roadways. <br />105 <br />106 Chair Ficek asked if it is a benefit to MnDOT if the City has a bike path plan. <br />107 <br />108 Mr. Thomsen indicated there would be a benefit. <br />109 <br />110 Member Misra indicated in the MnDOT prioritization maps it shows major <br />111 corridors where the priority lies, the major traffic areas, but in the design graphics <br />112 it is looking at lower speed, lower volume traffic areas. She wondered how are those <br />113 two combined. <br />114 <br />115 Mr. Thomsen indicated MnDOT is focusing on the trunk highway for the <br />116 prioritization so part of having all of those different facilities within the design <br />117 guide is to recognize that they want to make sure they are adequately planning for <br />118 the safety of people crossing the trunk highway network. Understanding that there <br />119 are minor streets that intersect with the trunk highways. Being able to plan for those <br />120 adequately and also the design manual is not just for MnDOT to use, often times it <br />121 can be a guide for other municipalities to look at if they are having questions about <br />122 planning transportation needs. It is mostly a guide to be used. <br />123 <br />124 Mr. Scott Merrick, Ramsey County Senior Transportation Planner, provided a <br />125 presentation on the Ramsey County All Abilities 2050 Plan. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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