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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
1/26/2023 9:59:47 AM
Creation date
1/26/2023 9:56:39 AM
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Public Works Commission
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79 Mr. Freihammer explained that project was supposed to happen this fall; both are <br />80 MnDOT projects and there is a chance for delay, but he did know MnDOT wanted <br />81 to start that early and he knew it would be before school. The County was confident <br />82 that the all -way stop may work pretty solid and were not concerned about it being <br />83 delayed for vehicles. A temporary signal was not justified for that. <br />84 <br />85 Chair Ficek indicated Mr. Freihammer mentioned about doing services for Falcon <br />86 Heights as well and might get up to one thousand hours or half a full-time staff <br />87 person and he wondered what the City's agreement is with Falcon Heights and how <br />88 that works. <br />89 <br />90 Mr. Freihammer reviewed the Falcon Heights agreement and services being <br />91 performed for them. <br />92 <br />93 Chair Ficek indicated there are a lot of funding opportunities out there and he <br />94 wondered if the City is applying for any of them. <br />95 <br />96 Mr. Freihammer explained a lot of the big stuff, Roseville, as an individual project <br />97 is a little more difficult to fund for. Staff is looking for opportunities where <br />98 available and the City has been working with the County on some of the different <br />99 funding options. He noted the City just got funding from Ramsey County and will <br />100 be doing a study of critical corridors. <br />101 <br />102 7. City Roadway Speed Limits <br />103 Public Works Director Jesse Freihammer explained at the September PWETC <br />104 meeting, staff presented information about speed limits. The Commission asked <br />105 staff for more information and staff has gathered that information. A 50ffi percentile <br />106 speed map is available, in addition to the 85ffi percentile speed. The police <br />107 department has also contributed detailed stats about traffic stops since 2017. <br />108 <br />109 Mr. Freihammer presented the new information and asked for Commission <br />110 feedback. <br />111 <br />112 Member Hodder explained when looking at the 501h percentile for speeds on <br />113 Roseville roadways, what is the current speed limit and would the 50ffi percentile <br />114 represent. <br />115 <br />116 Mr. Freihammer explained the 50ffi percentile is the median speed. Half the cars <br />117 are going faster than the speed limit and half the cars are going less than the speed <br />118 limit. He showed a slide of the speed limits in the City. If a change was considered, <br />119 it would obviously be less than the current speed limit. <br />120 <br />121 Chair Ficek asked for the cities Roseville borders that have changed the speed limit, <br />122 are there signs going into it or is it individually posted. <br />123 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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