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Last modified
1/26/2023 10:07:41 AM
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1/26/2023 10:05:49 AM
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Public Works Commission
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34 Nays:0 <br />35 Abstain: 1 (Plodder) <br />36 Motion carried. <br />37 <br />38 5. Communication Items <br />39 Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Jesse Freihammer provided a brief <br />40 review and update on projects and maintenance activities listed in the staff report <br />41 dated October 25, 2022. <br />42 <br />43 Member Hodder asked about County Road B, one half of the road has the gas line <br />44 and he wondered what is going to happen to the other half of the road. <br />45 <br />46 Mr. Freihammer explained as a part of the project the County replaced all of the <br />47 concrete and put it back as asphalt so it looks different. The original plan was that <br />48 next summer the County was going to finish the reconstruct and convert all of the <br />49 asphalt but that project has been delayed one year and will look exactly as it is until <br />50 2024. hi 2024, the project will get a reconstruct where the concrete will be replaced <br />51 from Snelling to Lexington where it will match into the asphalt. The asphalt that <br />52 was put in this year the County will do a mill and overlay to blend into that. The <br />53 City will be doing a watermain project as a part of that project between Dellwood <br />54 and Merrill, which will be on the North side of the road. Between Snelling and <br />55 Hamline the City will also be doing the watermain. <br />56 <br />57 Member Collins inquired regarding County Road B, at Dale and County Road B <br />58 the County replaced the intersection in 2021 and put it back at a different pitch <br />59 change in all the ADA area and he wondered if that will be addressed as well. <br />60 <br />61 Mr. Freihammer indicated he will have to look at the plans but did not think the <br />62 County will be going to the intersection. He thought it was planned to go to just <br />63 short of the intersection. Dale street is up for a mill and overlay in 2024 and that <br />64 will go from Como to Hwy 36. He noted the City has heard about that issue. <br />65 <br />66 Chair Ficek indicated he had a question on the Neel project that is finishing up. He <br />67 asked if this was through the County because it is mostly on County roads. He <br />68 wondered if Neel had to get permitted by the County. <br />69 <br />70 Mr. Freihammer indicated that is correct. Both the City and County signed off on <br />71 the permits. It was mainly working through the County. The original plan was to <br />72 go down a City road but the City pushed it back on the County and did not want to <br />73 have that going through a couple of residential neighborhoods that had also been <br />74 recently redone. <br />75 <br />76 Chair Ficek thought in feedback to the County, their traffic control left a lot to be <br />77 desired. Also, the sidewalks at times were blocked on both sides and a lot of kids <br />78 use those going to and from the high school. <br />79 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />
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