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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date:January 30, 2023 <br />Item No.:7.b <br />Department ApprovalCity Manager Approval <br />Item Description:Xcel Energy Painted Pole Project Presentation <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />2 Xcel Energy has plans to replace some of the large transmission line power poles in Roseville this <br />3 spring. Xcel plans to replace approximately 27 poles between the east sideof Bennett Lake in <br />4 Central Parkalong the railroad tracksto the end of South Owasso Boulevard. The poles are being <br />5 replaced as they have reached the end of theiruseful life. The project will not directly affect <br />6 residents as power to homes will not be shut down. The public will be impacted by traffic control <br />7 when the poles are being replaced. No road closures are anticipated, but flaggers will be used as <br />8 needed. <br />9 Work is planned for March through early May. <br />10 Representatives from Xcel Energy and their support team will update the Council on the project, <br />11 including schedules and impacts related to the project, and be on hand to answer any questions. <br />12 They will also discuss plans for community engagementon the project. <br />13 P OLICY O BJECTIVE <br />14 It is City policy to keep infrastructure in good operating condition and to keep systems operating in a <br />15 safe condition. <br />16 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />17 There are no budget impacts associated with this project. <br />18 R ACIAL E QUITY I MPACT S UMMARY <br />19 This projectshould have no equity impacts. <br />20 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />21 Staff recommends that the City Council receive a presentation from Xcel Energy about the Pole <br />22 Replacement Project. <br />23 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />24 None. <br />Prepared by:Jesse Freihammer, Public Works Director <br />Attachments:A:Presentation <br />Page 1of 1 <br /> <br />