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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/31/2023 9:01:42 AM
Creation date
3/31/2023 9:01:27 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Mr. Kysylyczyn indicated he would not know. There are pluses and minuses with <br />every property purchased. <br />Chair Ficek asked if the City had any other point of sale requirements. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated he was not aware of any others. <br />Chair Ficek indicated he was reluctant about opening up discussion for this because <br />it seems like it is a bigger policy discussion that is needed. He liked the idea of the <br />revolving loan and would be interested in exploring that further. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated this could be brought forward to the Finance <br />Commission for discussion and then something that would need to be built into the <br />budget potentially and work that would be involved to set that up. <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn noted to add to the revolving loan fund, government always gets <br />paid first when there are liens on houses and the reason why the HRA got involved <br />with those housing issues. <br />Chair Ficek indicated as he was thinking about this, there is a benefit to the City to <br />have some of this done. He was kind of looking at that incentive and wondered if <br />it could be offered at a really low interest rate or there could be something for low <br />income such as no interest rate. He was not suggesting any particular way but he <br />thought there were ways it could be thought about as to how that equity piece is <br />brought in so that it is something that is more useable to everybody and it has that <br />incentive behind it and more people look to it to figure out it is the right time to do <br />it. <br />Mr. Freihammer explained staff can look at options and discuss with the Finance <br />Commission, if the City did that, what the potential interest would be and would it <br />be a benefit to the property owners. <br />Chair Ficek thought it was worth looking at. He did wonder who would do the <br />work. Mr. Freihammer stated the City has a list of qualified contractors. <br />Member Cicha agreed he liked what was said about the revolving loan fund and <br />thought there was a lot of options around it. <br />8. Items for Next Meeting <br />Discussion ensued regarding the March through June 2023 PWETC agenda: <br />• Met Council and Metro Transit update in March. <br />• Eureka update in March. Possible strike. <br />• Commission Name Change in March. <br />• Speed limits in April. <br />• Pavement Management update in April. <br />• Envision Roseville discussion in April. <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />
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