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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/17/2023 10:15:38 AM
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4/17/2023 10:15:34 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 6,2023 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Board member Schroeder explained what the Board is looking at is what <br /> staff pointed out very clearly what has not been followed when it comes to <br /> the regulations and zoning for this particular item. That is the part she did <br /> not hear any argument against, that it was not in violation. Therefore, the <br /> facts and findings listed in the staff report clearly point out that the Board <br /> does not have any reason not to continue with their findings. Her point is <br /> that there is not any argument against their findings. <br /> Board member Schroeder explained she firmly is in favor of supporting an- <br /> ything that the City and community can do to help with the homeless and she <br /> thought Roseville has done a good job with that. That is a separate issue <br /> from this one and to her this is not in compliance but there are some recom- <br /> mendations in the packet on how the City can work with the church to bring <br /> it along so everyone can work as a partnership to come up with a resolution <br /> on what would work in the long run. She indicated they have to move be- <br /> yond this piece in order to find solutions. <br /> Board member Etten thanked Prince of Peace and so many other in the com- <br /> munity who are working with the homeless and homelessness. He believed <br /> everyone on the Council,through the votes and staff with the work done over <br /> the years are very supportive of solutions to homelessness in this area. Eve- <br /> rything from the City's Police Housing Resource person to building hundred <br /> and hundreds of new units of affordable housing in the last ten years with the <br /> support of City dollars and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and other re- <br /> sources and to the City's new Land Trust Program, and working in partner- <br /> ship with Habitat for Humanity. He did not think that is the question here <br /> tonight, their task is pretty straight forward and has been pointed out by a <br /> few people and he agreed that the church at no point addressed the legal <br /> arguments of staff around this so he did not know how the Board could not <br /> support the legal arguments laid out and he thought it was quite clear that <br /> these units do not meet the Code for permanent housing. What he did sup- <br /> port is the City staff and Prince of Peace's starting discussions around Code <br /> compliant tiny house or cottage home. This is something the City Council <br /> added to the City Code a couple of years ago, specifically to look for addi- <br /> tional types of housing that would include something like this. He would <br /> support that happening on 2555 Victoria, the piece of property where these <br /> RVs are currently located. He was supportive of using City resources and <br /> potentially including sewer access charges, maybe ARPA dollars, and the <br /> City supporting staff to find additional resources for making this possible. <br /> Things like talking about sewer connections to the church or if the connec- <br /> tions where the home used to be on the property still viable, sewer and water, <br /> and easy to hook into. Looking for solutions to making that a permanent <br /> piece is something he would support. At this point, he did not support the <br /> current situation. <br />
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