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<br />Victoria Street Roadway & Trail Conceptual Design Study | Study Report - DRAFT | PAGE 50 <br /> <br />IV. Public and Stakeholder Engagement <br />A variety of methods were used to engage interested stakeholders and the public in the study process. <br />The primary method of engaging agency stakeholders was through a Technical Advisory Committee <br />(TAC) that included representatives from multiple departments within Ramsey County as well as <br />representatives from the Cities of Roseville and Shoreview. <br />Members of the general public shared input on the issues present in the corridor as well as the roadway <br />and trail concepts through a series of in-person and virtual open house meetings supplemented by online <br />surveys and mapping activities. The sections that follow provide a high-level summary of the information <br />shared and input received through these engagement activities. Additional details are available in <br />Attachments D, E and F. <br />Technical Advisory Committee <br />The purpose of the technical advisory committee was to provide high-level direction to the project team by <br />reviewing project approaches and deliverables from the perspective of each agency or department <br />represented. The TAC met four times over the course of the project: <br />• September 1, 2021. <br />• September 30, 2021. <br />• February 3, 2022. <br />• May 10, 2022. <br />At the first meeting on September 1, 2021, the consultant team introduced the study area, purpose, <br />project schedule and walked through the major tasks. The group discussed corridor needs and <br />opportunities, current and future developments, safety concerns and efficient use of space for people of <br />all ages and abilities to walk and bike. At the second meeting on September 30, 2021, the consultant <br />team reviewed results of data gathering, conceptual design considerations and shared draft cross <br />sections based on the discussion. The TAC discussed the type of multimodal facility needed, school <br />connections, roadway lane and trail dimensions and corridor speeds. <br />During the February 2022 meeting, the consultant team gave an overview of engagement activities <br />conducted so far and a high-level summary of results. An overview of applicable design standards was <br />presented, followed by a discussion of the preliminary cross section screening. The group discussed a <br />phased implementation for future projects and discussed potential areas for crossing improvements. At <br />the final meeting in May 2022, the group discussed the concepts in greater detail, phased implementation <br />and remaining study tasks. The northern study area limit was reviewed further based on public <br />comments, and it was determined that the concepts should extend to Harriet Avenue rather than Cannon <br />Avenue. The members of the TAC are listed in Table 6. <br />Table 6: Technical Advisory Committee Members <br />Technical Advisory <br />Committee Members Affiliation <br />Connie Bernardy Ramsey County Active Living <br />Scott Mareck Ramsey County Public Works <br />Scott Yonke Ramsey County Parks & Rec <br />Rich Straumann Ramsey County Active Living Committee <br />Gene Gjerdigen Ramsey County Active Living Committee <br />Marc Culver City of Roseville <br />Ted Wesolowski City of Shoreview <br />