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Ms. Bakkenindicated most are not, most have the plastic liner in them but the cuff <br />and some of the tops are compostable. She noted a new coffee shop in Roseville <br />that does use compostable cups. <br />Chair Ficek invited public comment. <br />Mr. Dale Howey indicated he is running for the City Council and this is a topic that <br />is near and dear to his heart. He explained when talking about the clamshell, plastic <br />number 5, he has been to restaurants that have that type of container and he <br />wondered what percentage of plastics that are being put in the recycling actually <br />are being utilized. He heard it is only nine percent and hoped this is a part of the <br />recommendation to the City Council for to-go containers. <br />Ms. Bakkenexplained she did not know exactly what Eureka’s market is for their <br />recycling. She noted she was just going off of what they will accept. She thought <br />that would be a good question for Eureka and if they have had issues with plastic <br />number 5. <br />Mr. Johnson explained the City gets updates from Eureka quarterly and since they <br />are keeping a lot of the City’s material as local as they can, they have not had an <br />issue recycling most if not all of it. The City does not see the same flood of plastics <br />that a lot of the coasts have just because they are trying to ship it out. Eureka has <br />been really good about utilizing all of the City’s materials. He noted the City has <br />had good success with it and did not think the City was in that nine percent range, <br />but he could check with Eureka again to see if they have a specific number for it. <br /> <br />Member Hodder asked if black plastics would be included in compostable <br />materials. <br /> <br />Ms. Bakken indicated the black plastic is not recyclable. <br /> <br />Member Ficek asked the Commission if the City needed something like this. He <br />thought the Commission could discuss the need and details. <br /> <br />The Commission agreed the City should move forward with something like this. <br /> <br />Member Hodder thought it was important to educate businesses and the general <br />public about what their options are. <br /> <br />Chair Ficek agreed and thought this was the correct way to move forward with the <br />phasing of it. He indicated by looking at the table in the packet if staff could focus <br />on whichever ordinance staff thought was closest to what they wanted to emulate, <br />the Commission could go down the list. <br />Ms. Bakkenindicated staff does like St. Louis Park’s approach to this. She thought <br />all of the ordinances are similar with the types of materials required and the types <br />Page 2 of 7 <br /> <br />