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43 Storm Water Management <br />44 The grading and storm water management plan illustrated in Attachment 3 addresses the proposed <br />45 development on the lots as required. The City Engineer has noted the plans can be made to meet the <br />46 City's requirements and, since the storm water BMPs are to be private, a public improvement contract <br />47 will be necessary to ensure their proper ongoing maintenance. <br />48 Tree Preservation <br />49 The tree preservation and replacement plan requirements in City Code §1011.04 provide a way to <br />50 quantify the amount of tree material being removed for a given project and to calculate the potential tree <br />51 replacement obligation. A few trees were removed as part of grading done last fall (to fill the hole left <br />52 from demolition of the previous structure several years ago), and the preliminary calculation of a <br />53 replacement obligation based on these removals and the proposed development illustrated in Attachment <br />54 3 would not elicit replacement trees. <br />55 Public Comment <br />56 Plat applications creating four or more lots require the developer to hold an “open house meeting” to <br />57 engage nearby community members, answer their questions, and address their concerns. While the <br />58 applicant’s scheduled in-person meeting was delayed because of a snow storm, they did still hold a <br />59 meeting and made themselves available for people to engage with them by email and by phone over <br />60 several days. People’s concerns appear to be largely centered on issues of traffic and on-street parking. <br />61 In response to these concerns, City policy does not require a traffic study for the proposed plat and <br />62 minimum parking requirements established under the Zoning Code do not trigger designated off-street <br />63 parking spaces beyond what an attached garage and driveway provide. A summary of the engagement is <br />64 a required component of this plat application, and it is included with this RPCA as Attachment 5. <br />65 A public hearing for the preliminary plat proposal was held by the Planning Commission on June 7, <br />66 2023. The one person who spoke was generally supportive of the proposal, but echoed the parking <br />67 concerns raised by others. The Planning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the request <br />68 consistent with the conditions recommended by staff. Commissioner McGehee opposed the request, <br />69 citing concerns with the proposal’s proximity to Rosebrook Park, existing parking issues at the park and <br />70 a feeling the proposed development would add to traffic concerns in the area, and her preference that the <br />71 subject property be purchased for parkland. Draft minutes of the public hearing are included as part of <br />72 Attachment 5. <br />73 P OLICY O BJECTIVES <br />74 <br />75 and retains a diverse mix of people, family types, economic statuses, ages, and so on. <br />76 <br />77 <br />78 demographics of the City), and opportunities to address the lack of housing in the “missing <br />79 middle” styles. <br />80 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />81 Acquisition of park dedication funds. Refer to DRC comments in Attachment 4. <br />82 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />83 Adopt a resolution approving the proposed Danny Boy Estates preliminary plat based on the <br />84 content of this RCA, public input, the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission, and <br />85 City Council deliberation, with the following conditions. <br />7b RCA <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />