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7/28/2023 11:11:22 AM
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7/28/2023 11:09:46 AM
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78 Mr. Seidel explained that is the statutory maximum, in Minnesota, for this type of <br />79 contract for cities, is twenty years. Typically, the contract will be within the fifteen- <br />80 to -twenty-year range. Ideally, they want to be in a financial situation. Some <br />81 projects have expensive capital assets that are not going to pay for themselves with <br />82 efficiencies and they are really trying to find a way to pay for these so these items <br />83 could be bundled with some other efficiency items that could either pay for it or <br />84 could turn a 2.5-million-dollar problem by pairing other savings into a half million- <br />85 dollar problem, for example. <br />86 <br />87 Member Mueller indicated she was curious about the five percent projected <br />88 increase in costs annually. She wondered if this is what the City has typically been <br />89 seeing or is this a higher projection based on some of the shifts and the environment <br />90 or a standard amount by ABM. <br />91 <br />92 Mr. Seidel explained it is more on the standard side. hi terms of what ABM has <br />93 experienced in Minnesota over the last half decade to a decade, the five percent is <br />94 actually low. There is definitely an argument for increasing that by a couple of <br />95 points which would increase the four -million -dollar figure. He indicated this is on <br />96 the conservative side. <br />97 <br />98 Member Luongo asked as a part of this process does ABM assess what is end of <br />99 life for existing equipment and timelines for that rather than to trash everything the <br />100 City has already invested in. <br />101 <br />102 Mr. Seidel explained core to this process is what they call a capital volatility <br />103 assessment and essentially his company goes through all of the relevant existing <br />104 equipment and then analyze its life, analyze its current condition and efficiency <br />105 capabilities, and assign it a letter grade based on that and furthermore, take that and <br />106 assign it a volatility index of the likelihood of failure over an x number of years. <br />107 <br />108 Member Mueller was curious about the annual savings for HVAC repairs, lighting <br />109 replacement, which was touched on in the presentation, she wondered how that <br />110 related to the fees the City would be paying to ABM because whether it is existing <br />111 equipment or equipment being implemented, the City is still paying to maintain it <br />112 all. She did not understand how that is calculating into the savings. <br />113 <br />114 Mr. Seidel explained for lighting replacement, in most of the budgets within the <br />115 four facilities with one or two exceptions, there is not a capital budget for lighting, <br />116 it is just built into the maintenance and operations budget and if doing a large LED <br />117 retrofit in the building, not only are all the lights new but will also last longer. ABM <br />118 is able to project the typical savings on that over a number of years. For HVAC <br />119 repairs, by replacing older equipment that requires more time, more parts, more <br />120 breakage of parts with more time servicing it, both internally and externally, <br />121 replacing with newer equipment that either by design or just by being newer, <br />122 require less repairs, which is how ABM build out some items like that. Once they <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Page 5 of 76 <br />
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