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City Council Meeting Minutes
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8/8/2023 3:23:17 PM
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8/8/2023 3:23:15 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 17, 2023 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Councilmember Schroeder explained on the list of changes there are a number of <br /> them that reflect current costs. She wondered if that is based on inflation or is that <br /> actually going out for bids. She asked how it was determined that some of these <br /> items on the list were current costs. <br /> Ms. Pietrick explained it is based on what the City is currently paying today or on <br /> bids. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated he found that information helpful because when there <br /> is actual information, he would like to have a note on that. He noted that when <br /> thinking about the inflationary factor, there are many things that are variables and <br /> change the further out it goes, and the worse predictions are. One of them, also, on <br /> the other side is the valuation of property. He thought the City had to deal with <br /> what is real and keep in mind every year that the amount needs to be checked, even <br /> maybe a couple times a year. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the preference of the Council was to remain with the current <br /> system and make sure everything is consistent. He noted there was a bench handout <br /> of one report from the packet where some pages were missing. The Council and <br /> the public now has that information. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if the Council wanted to hear about the Fire Department side of <br /> the planning, look specifically at that fund, and perhaps also get the information <br /> from the Fire Department about the alternative being proposed. <br /> The Council agreed that was a good idea. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained the two alternatives are not included in the spreadsheet. <br /> Fire Chief David Brosnahan reviewed the Fire Department fund and alternative <br /> plans for the Fire Department with respect to purchasing an electric engine and <br /> possibly ambulance type vehicles rather than the current medical response vehicles. <br /> Councilmember Strahan asked if the Fire Depai tmnent has explored any grant <br /> funding for the proposed department vehicles or other options that might exist for <br /> offsetting the cost of the EV(electric vehicle). <br /> Assistant Fire Chief Neil Sjostrom explained there have been some grants and the <br /> most popular one at this point is the settlement with Volkswagen and the State has <br /> been a part of that. The initial grant cycle happened about a year and a half ago and <br /> the Fire Department was not eligible based off the current use of the current fleet. <br /> There have been some efforts to change the rules surrounding those grants that <br /> would make them eligible. The lead time between the time the department agrees <br /> to do this and the time the City will actually pay for and receive the truck is <br /> anywhere from eighteen to twenty-four months. During that time,whatever efforts <br />
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