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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 7, 2023 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Councilmember Schroeder indicated some of the items have been crossed off the <br /> list but can be used with marijuana like water pipes and other things so her question <br /> is if these items listed can be used for both controlled substances and marijuana, <br /> how can it be distinguished. <br /> City Attorney Cruz-Jennings explained City Attorney Tierney did some research, <br /> as much as she could, to see how some of these devices are used and she did <br /> mention that some of them can be used to smoke other drugs. She thought it was a <br /> good catch and made sense to make this a little bit of a broader category. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if that would be accomplished by substituting "controlled <br /> substances" for the word cocaine in the first paragraph, K, which then everything <br /> below it refers back to. <br /> City Attorney Cruz-Jennings believed that to be correct. <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated he was concerned as to why the law went into <br /> effect in the first place was because there is a history of laws like this being used to <br /> discriminate against people in the BIPOC community. His concern is that this <br /> would be adding it back into the equation. He has full confidence in the City's <br /> police force and he knew where the City was at regarding not penalizing poor <br /> people. This is the only concern he has with this. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated that was a very good point and something the City should be <br /> cognizant of He thought absent having anything in the code,it is very hard to stop <br /> people or educate people that they cannot smoke in a park. He indicated every case <br /> is going to be different depending on the circumstances but he thought the approach <br /> would be more of an educational one. Having this in the code does allow interaction <br /> to make sure that things are not happening in the parks, whether it be in front of <br /> children or other things and the City can have the individual move along and not be <br /> in the park. <br /> Councilmember Groff said that he understood that. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he had a series of questions that he brought forward to Mr. <br /> Trudgeon earlier that related to equity in the sense of how the City handles other <br /> controlled substances in public spaces in the City of Roseville and more broadly in <br /> the State of Minnesota. Through a little bit of research, he found that with public <br /> intoxication, the State of Minnesota actually has a law that states that Public <br /> Intoxication is not a crime in the State of Minnesota, which pre-empts anybody <br /> from being able to put anything on the books to say it is a crime. Minnesota also <br /> has the open container law which relates and is fairly specific about, especially in <br /> vehicles,driver and passenger and responsibility of owners, even if not present,and <br /> things like that. Very prudent, he thought. The only other thing he could find in <br /> State Statute seemed to be that the State also prohibits consumption of alcohol in <br />