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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 7,2023 <br /> Page 8 <br /> of that back. He also noted that under the State law the City can have a cap not <br /> lower than a level that is based on the City's population. But the City does not need <br /> to have a cap, it can allow as many as the City wants but that is up to the Council <br /> to decide what they are comfortable with. <br /> Mayor Roe explained the way the State law is written, as he understands it, it says <br /> you cannot set a cap lower than the number per population unless there is a County- <br /> wide limit and that it is already at the limit. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder would like to wait until the City sees more of that <br /> information from the State or other cities. <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated the City did not want to be the municipality in the <br /> County that ends up with all of these types of businesses. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he was leaning towards option two as well and then in terms <br /> of the restricted entry to people over 21, he thought that language was pretty good. <br /> The Council agreed. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated staff will put the information in an Ordinance form and <br /> bring it back to the Council for further discussion. <br /> d. Consider Adoption of an Ordinance to Amend Chapter 10 to Allow Display of <br /> Political Signs Prior to In-Person Voting <br /> City Manager Patrick Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the <br /> Request for Council Action and related attachments dated August 7, 2023. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder thought this was pretty straightforward since the State <br /> of Minnesota changed this and the City would be in lockstep with that. Also, <br /> everything the City Manager talked about made sense and this is a very <br /> straightforward fix. She thought this was something the City needed to do. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated the one thing he was a little curious about,just because this <br /> topic has come up, is why the City of Roseville treats general elections in the State <br /> general election even year differently in time frame than elections in the odd year. <br /> He asked why do candidates who happen to be up for election or ballot questions <br /> in those even years get an extra twenty-five days to have their signs up? He was <br /> not sure if there was something in State law that precludes cities from making it <br /> any shorter than forty-six days or from that point of view, does the City want to <br /> change it to be consistent for all elections? He stated since the Council is talking <br /> about this, he wanted to put the question out there and see if there is a reason the <br /> City has to treat the two types of elections differently, which seems unlikely. He <br /> asked does the City want to treat them differently, just from their own policy <br /> perspective? <br />