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Mr. Freihammer explained the one thing all the ordinances have is the bench <br />companies propose where the benches go, and the City allows or does not allow <br />them. He indicated these are really advertising companies and not bench companies <br />and the benches are placed where the traffic is. He noted the City could put a bench <br />in a location but does not typically do that. <br />Chair Ficek asked if the name should be changed to courtesy bench. <br />The Commission was in favor of changing the name. <br />Chair Ficek asked if the benches should be limited to transit stops. He thought in <br />light of how the Commission has talked about putting benches in other places and <br />having it more walkable, he was in favor of opening this up to allow for more <br />benches. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated if there is support for benches to be in other places, the <br />City would make sure that the benches are placed in the rights -of -way and look at <br />the technical aspects of the placement. <br />The Commission discussed possible placement of benches and where current <br />benches are placed, including transit stops. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Page 30 of 82 <br />