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3. For failure to pass the FOG inspection due to lack of or ineffective FOG <br />equipment the Public Works Director may: <br />a. Require the subject FSE or FM/P to install additional FOG equipment <br />as necessary to resolve the problem; <br />b. Change the sewer rate class of the FSE or FM/P to reflect the <br />presence of the excessive FOG contribution by the FSE or FM/P <br />(Ord. 1552, 6-4-2018) <br />802.16: DEFECTIVE DRAIN <br />Whenever any drain connected with any public sewer or drain becomes clogged, <br />obstructed, broken or out of order, or detrimental to the use of the sewer or drain or <br />unfit for the purposes of drainage, the owner, agent, occupant or person having <br />change of any building, yard, lot of land or other premises which are drained by said <br />drain or sewer shall, when directed by the Public Works Director, remove, <br />reconstruct, alter, cleanse or repair said drain as the condition of said drain may <br />require. In case of neglect or refusal to remove, reconstruct, repair, alter or cleanse <br />said drain for the space of three (3) days, the public works director shall cause the <br />same to be removed, reconstructed, repaired, altered or cleansed, as the public works <br />director may deem expedient, at the expense of the owner, agent or other person as <br />aforesaid. (Ord 1590, 10-12-2020) <br />E31)fflrxfl MS Y: erej Y Cole <br />No owner, agent, occupant or other person having charge of any building, yard, lot <br />of land or other premises which are drained into any public sewer or drain shall <br />permit any substance or matter, which may form a deposit or obstruction in any <br />public sewer or drain, to flow or pass into the same. And said owner, agent, occupant <br />or other person, as aforesaid, shall, when directed by Public Works Director or <br />building code enforcement, within ten (10) days' notice in writing to that effect from <br />said Public Works Director or building code enforcement, provide their drain with <br />sufficient cesspool or catch basin, or, if one already exists, clean out, repair or alter <br />the same, and provide such other means as shall prevent any substance or matter <br />from passing into the drain or sewer which may cause a deposit or obstruction <br />therein. (Ord 1590, 10-12-2020) <br />Page 47 of 82 <br />