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..�� �:�cr.K r,.. t�i. � <br />_ . _, — _ <br />e.a,.sa..i i��.��. Forni I�1d. 5�1-?Fi n=.e��•�.F:.n. c... �.,.c r.:4 u�.. � <br />ifin�ssai� l'nifars� t..q+*��a��a,t H1a�k� It�3lt. <br />� � _, __ .. <br />♦ � • � r, � � , ' <br />1 �11f3 .��1'f'_t'lllt'.�l�, 1lictct� urtd �nit•r���l irtto thi� _ _ � �-- ' � - <br />t�l ,. �,,, - _ _ lay oj--�.. -� ____----. <br />18_ __� by arcd �`,etu�c-r�_ __: Lt�:'I' , t;L_ _�' a:�d f,�?���:�,_ �. -����y <br />�_. .ht�.����3�_ 1u'►d. _'+i�.��_-�------- . <br />pert__�e.t _nf th� ftr�t �rt. a��._ _ l'tI.Ft3:i�_ .'._.^t�L:.:.TT�_ _ <br />----------------.._____ � � -----�---- <br />-. _. . _ __ _ _ --- __---- .�,,, . , <br />_ . _ _ . - - . f: .r _ - �- - f . � : ecartd part; � <br />�i�'ITA'�SS!•:1'I:, Th:<< t1:e su:�i �xrr�_ �FI �,j :i:e;� rirst J�ctrt, in c.,r�..�i�'er�tt�.,i oi ,•he ro��tnants and <br />apreemertts oJsci�i p�;rt.._ y_���' fhe:tcc>nd �rt, hcrcirta%tcr c�nlaint;l, hercb� ,•;;_ _. ._��� ��r�e_____to <br />eotttcy unto s�id part--y_. _vj the se�co►id �,urthis-heirs ___..__.and assi�n�, ril a-.-::�=rA <br />--------______1)�c<�, accum��a�iifJ, b� an abstrc�ct ec�icfe..tcin� �---r <br />,I gaod tr�ta in part_�.�,��oJ the ftrst �art <br />at the dafe hereof, or bv an �>:rner'a dupliectte certihcnte ..�f ti:l�, t��a�� the prvmpt �nd /r�ll perforn�canee <br />by said part--Y_.__of the :ec.on�d �:h:rt, oJ_ __ hit __part oj thi.4 cz!2ree�ne�tt, the tratt_-_---of lunrl, lying <br />and being in the Count�/ of - .- - - - - Rs�rsey _ . . _ - - -- - - - - _an(1 .Ste�te o f Atiran�snt.a. �lescribed e�s �ollows, <br />�-��� North 400 feet oF the Sauch 533 feet of the ''aat 40Q feet o� the Southeast <br />one•q�uarter (SE�) of the Northeast o•qu�rter (N��.)P Sec:tion F�ur (S4), 'Zownahip <br />TwenCy-nlna (T29), Range T�wen[y-th�re�(it23)r according to the ;o�rcrrTer�t survey <br />thateof filed of secord in the off�C� of the Reginter af ►�eeds fn ar.c+ for Rsnsev <br />Cctu�ty, Minnesoca. - <br />And aairi ,�cirt___y__caf the sccnnd part, in consicteration oJ the prcmises, hereby agree_.a___to pay ' <br />aaid part�.ea__oJ the firat part, at-----Sc•-p�1-,--Mf.nnesata.-_ ----------_ <br />as and for the rchase --------------'----"--- , <br />.._...._ _ 7� price of saic� premises, fhe sum of_F�y�_�b���A�����_���0.00}; <br />in n�attntr a�sd at timess follo:virtp,^to-wit �_Fiye ehau nd --------------`----------Dollara� <br />recelpt of �hlch is hereby acknovled ed b t�- -end nQ(jOp (Sg�pQp,00� _�n_h��_�,�d <br />�� Thir[y Five thoueend and no/1Q0 ($�5,ppp.00)paecured�oncConCrnet nrcaeedh� �glance <br />interest et SX per enn�an in m.anthly installments of($275.00) Two hundr�d seventysflve �i <br />aRd no/lOQ or more each cocsmencing 30 daya Ero;n date hereo�� end manthly ther�eef�er <br />i� <br />antil entire princfprl belnnce pl�se lntereat at Sgo per ennum ie peid in full. Interes� 'f <br />ahsll be compuced monthly, flrat' deducted fzom seid monthly payment and th� halance '� <br />thener remainfc�g shall be credited townrd the reductfon of the �rinclpal. <br />:: :: <br />: <br />i: - <br />� <br />�. <br />Said patL,�! ___oi the setand part farth�:r rnveaent_-�--�nd agrr,eA___�e tollo�ra: t.� PaY. �fore �nalty attachea tberm. <br />to, sll tazes dna and �tpable fn the pesr 19_�2__, and in snbsequent ycare, end all apecial asaeasmentg h�retofore or E�er�- <br />' after lev:ed, -------------------------------------------------- -------------- <br />---------------------------------- <br />•------------------ �------------------------ , ,: _ <br />-------------------------------------------- ;� <br />slao thst s�y baildin and impravements n�iv oa said land, or which ehall hereafter be erected, ptnced, or mr.trl$ thereon, <br />' aha1Y not be rnrrYewed there.srom, bat sh�l! be aud remain the property nf the part------of the first part un�'E Ltii�s eoxatract <br />;, ehall be fnlly pertormed bp the parL------o.• the aecond pArt; anci at-----_------- ------ , `� <br />_ own ez��e, to keep the brifld- <br />` �tgs on eaid premises st ti�es insnred i❑ eome retiable insurance comnanc or �nta gnrn_ 4r .. ......_ �_ ... <br />� o! the flrat p - - -- F---_', __� h,. o+,,,.c.� �� thr parE____ <br />part. eSainst loss b fire for at leasi the sum �f-- -------��--------------- . <br />-------------------------------------------�------- :; <br />--•------------------------- -----------�o�tara, ° <br />` -------__ , <br />' aad agsiast 2os� by windstmra for ei lea•t the sum at-------- • <br />---------��--------------------------- � : m <br />-------- <br />----------------------------------------------------- ----- <br />' ------------------------------------- ,, <br />Pg3'able to aaid P�j.?' �1_of the first a th�mse2ves thel� -I}ollara, F_ : <br />P T�•------------------- irs or assigns, and, in case oi laas, ahon2d there be anp . <br />a�lns ov�r and above the smomat then o�i8g aaid part--------of the first . f' : <br />j' the baiaac� ah�21 be paid over to the ea�d r�------- ��--------------------�=��', or ass�, := � <br />r P$ of the aecond i <br />' � Part as-------- ---�---�� ° <br />���������������.�"_� f <br />: s� aPi�ear. sad to depoait wit� the pa.�t-------_of the first �.rt pvlicies �f said ansarance. Bat aho� the aeeond . % <br />; r. <br />r-. <br />': Psrt--=----�'Y to Pay say item to Ise paid bp asici part----------under the terms harec�f� same a�y be pafd b flrat � � <br />= P�rt--------aad ais�ll b� farth�ith payebts, with interest Y ; <br />j; thereon, sa an additioaal am�ur�t dce fizst y�srt_�._----- ' <br />under this tont�aet. --- <br />- - ;; <br />� <br />: . <br />..:� _.._ -- --------- _�...� <br />_..._._ ____ - -- � -- .. - - - - - <br />r_. _ _ __. . _. _ <br />r _ _ _.. ___ _ _ <br />� <br />._ __._. >. " ��;. <br />� . . ._.. . . ..--.'-. _....__ . . <br />i� �i. . . .. . . . . . . .. _. _ _..._ . .._.. ..._ _- - .- �..�..t:. ^-^•.� �� <br />. . .. _ � .. �s�. <br />