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r <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� 850 UNIVER5ITY AVENUE, ST. Pl�,UL, MINN�'SOTA, 55104 <br />Mr. Richard Turnlund <br />Village af. Roseville <br />270I North Lexingtan Avenue <br />Saint Paul, Minn.�sota 55113 <br />Dear l�ick: <br />August 15, 196 3 <br />In accurd.anc�e with our recent telephone conver�ation concerning a new <br />car displa.y s�.lon i.n Har-Mar Mall, I am enclasing original and one copy <br />of the Applicatzon £or Speci.�.l Use Permit, tcrgether with a check in $he sum <br />of �25. OC to c�ver iiling f�e. Will you please process this Applicatian as <br />�apidly as y�ossitale. It is extremely important that we have this Permit <br />in time for the ne�v Ford showing which is schedul�d for some time in Lhe <br />latt� r ha1£ of S ept �:mbe r. <br />I understand that routine Qf this r�quest woul.d no� p�rrnit us to <br />have a Special Use Perrnit uxctil Septemb�r 27. If this is the earliest approval <br />date you can give us, we will have ia wcark with h*; but since this proposed use <br />is wholly within th� walls of the C ente.r and wi �3., thersfore, have no detri�nental <br />eff�ct upon neighbors or adjacent busin��ss peop�le, I am hopeiul that somethin� <br />can be done to enable us to open and use this facility at the very peak af the <br />Ford year - the new car showing. <br />please give me a. call if th�xe is anything further needed to expedite this <br />Peta.tion. you in adva..ce f�r your usual, splendid cooperation. <br />Mr. Hart/pf <br />Encl. <br />V ery truly yours, <br />.� <br />B.CdHart <br />