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i <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />,��une 2, �9b5 <br />dC�t hJurr�b�:-s dr5-Zb9 <br />� 1 icar�t; T�r�t �tore:, I nc . <br />I515 YV�st Caunty ��d �, Ra��►i I ie <br />� <br />I»c�cs?ion: �lor��cr�t carr�r aF �twnty �a�t� f� �ru� 5�����g �r�,�n;�� (��e :�cetc�i) <br />l�et3on kec�ueajted: Approv�l of Spec�crl lls� A�r-mi# f�r T�c�, Icr Sts�ra�e <br />Pfat�ntrfg Can�i�ratic�ns: <br />I. T}�e Targt�t Stor� ��eapl� hwe ma3r�tain�d a number of s�emi-trv��: f�rail�rs pc�rkad on <br />the oasP side of th�ir buiidins for strxa�e pt�rposes. Such us�e car� �arking �a�' trai (crs <br />is r�ol� p�am�tted ic� ti�e s�^c�ppir►c� c�nter dis"rict (t�rc� �onir� dastri�t applyin� tv thi� <br />p�opert}�). The �rosaen�s rf tf�cse trc�ilers has bteon Q eonsiderabl� �rol�lem, particularly <br />tc� th� eontigvous pr���s�-t}� awr�rs on the e�st, wl�ich is thh peluxe Ch�c;k Company <br />bui�d�ng. ihe D�lux� �.:heck bv�idir� is c�nv� �f t��c finest i�vildings in Rosevifle cand i� <br />is �nfort�,�ne�te thtit this �ight onr� its occupar��s ane expcx�r� to this k;cai�er sf•e�rare op�erc�t�ion. <br />2. T�te Target pc�apl� propas� in their applicQtion: <br />"The pru�c�sed u�e of prop�+rty rrvould 6� fc�r �dditiona� ;fioro�e of inerchc�ndiSQ <br />on a temfa�at�ctry bt�sis, (12 months) unti I o per�nanes�t con,truction can be ere�y�d. <br />A vertical iow�red r�dvva�d f�nce w�ruld � f.��;ctr:�1 ^o provide s�re�ning fram <br />surrcwnding area�' . <br />3. No additional moterials or e�lar�ctian is sub�-nitted with the applicatione it would <br />c�apear, 6►c�wev�erp fro�ra th� quotatioi� nat�d t!:nt ifi is the �ntent of fih� Targe� ��Qpl� <br />to corastruct� dn as�ditional bui(di�g to accomad�te �heir store�g� problsm, Ther�e is <br />�o de+aiis wi�h res�ect to the prc��as�d f�nce, or tije number of i-rr�il�rs thn� might !�e <br />pnrked, exact orea involved, me�hod of servicing, ect. You will n�ie o� th�e sketch <br />at ti�e �left th�t it is propos�d t� cpnstruct a� sereen fe�ce in a cortfinuous fasl-�ian olong <br />th� east Nrop��rfY 1ine, th� fulf leng�h of the building �daubf� lin� shown on sk�tch). <br />4. Of perhops grc�:f�r �►�^� *�tce is tf�e quest�on as to w���a� the appf icc�nt propose� to do <br />to salve t�D F�o►��+� �,�estion or� a permar��nt bosis. This is of considerable concern <br />because the initsc�i �u;l�ing lack�d ad�quo�� i�ading and unia�ding facilities and cer- <br />Poinfy iack�ed adequat� st�rag� s��ace �"or i��e vo�um� of trrzde being proc�ssed in this <br />structur� at this fiim�. This brings up the question �s to wheth�� or not the screen fenr.e <br />is c� porT vT ine permanent sof ution, and tf not, +�rhat rela, innship wi 1! it hav+e tc the <br />firture c�nstruction pro�,am. <br />