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�I <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />� <br />#2 <br />�'hat parlt of the �. � af S�� ot S�� ol Sec. 13, T. 29, R. ?3 � lyin� S��' ly <br />of th� c��t8r line of McCarron Boulevard South as now loeate�, and <br />I�' ly oi the ceat�r lin� ot a�an�e runnimg I�. 79' 35' �', froa a point <br />on tho E. line o! said Se�. 13 dist�+z�t 5'75.6 ieet N. of the SE corner <br />thoreot, and lying SE ot �].ine run�ing h'E' ly from saici center Iin� <br />of lane at right an�les thc�reto �rom a poin� dis�ant 4?7.74 �eet NW'lq <br />from ft� point �f beginni�g on said S, line of Sec. 13, aAd NiY' ly <br />o# a line parallel wi�h and 60 feet SS'ly (measured at right angles) <br />fror� the aYoresaid liane running �t right anglos to s�id cent�r Iine <br />o� l�nd. • <br />Subject to aa easement for roadway purposes over the S'1y 15 feet <br />thex�o�, and togeth�r with an easement fnr roadw�y pur oses over a <br />atrip �f lancd 30 feet in width r�nning through th� E.� of SE� of SE� <br />of Sec. 13, T.29� R. 23; �h� center line of which runs N. ?9� 35' W. <br />�rom a point on the �, line of said Sec. 13 distaat 575.6 feet h. of <br />�he SE cornes thereot. <br />ApFarent record owner: biary E. Torp. <br />That part of the E. � of SE� of SE� of Sec;. �3, T.29, R. 23, ��ing <br />3i9►' ly o�E the c�nter l�n� oi BhcCarron Boulevard S, as now locateci and <br />NE' ly oY the conter line of a lane running N. 79° 35' �Y, from a <br />point on S. line ot said Soc. 13, distant 575.6 ioet N. of the SE <br />corner theree�t, and �yin� SE of a line runnin� N�'ly from said centes <br />line oi la�ne at right a.ngles thereto, trom a point ciistant 53i.74 <br />feat NW' ly frona its point of beginnin�;, on said �. �ine of Sec. 13, <br />and IYW'ly of a Iine parallel with & 60 �eet SE'ly (measured at right <br />an�los) ��om the aforesaicl �ine running at right an�les to said center <br />Z�Ii@ O� �i�11i8. ,!_1r��' (j���'1 i�� ��! fl j�l ��r��.��.•� ,^� ��i��l�' l� <br />Subject to am easem�n� �'�or,; ro�dway_'�urposes ;'ov,er the S' ly 15 �eet <br />thereof, and taget�er ��w�ith an easement� for� roa�iway purposes oder a <br />st�rip of land 30'!�t�eet`! in widtiil xunning'rthrough�;the E.� of SE� of SE� <br />of Soc. 13, T, 29;� it1J23.;� ,the �!center,i lino�,of wnich runs N. ?9' 35' ZY. <br />�rom a point on the �, lfne of said �ec. 13, clistant 575.6 feet N.. <br />of tk�e SE corner ther�o�. � <br />Apparent record owner: IrvinQ M. Nardahl & Cecilfa D�. Nordahl, <br />husband and wife (as joint tenants). <br />That part of the E,� of SE� o� SE� oi Se�. 13, T.29, R�2�, lying SW'ly <br />o� tiie center l.ine of NcCarron B�ulevard South as now located $c NI�' ly <br />of the center line o� a lane running N. ?9° 35' �Y, from a noint on the; <br />E, li�e oi said Sec. 13,�distant. 575.6 feet N, of the SE corner <br />thereof, and lying SE of a lfne running N�'ly irom said center line <br />of lane at right Rngles thereto, from a��oin� ciistant 597.74 �eet: ' <br />N�y'ly from its point oi beginning on said E, line of Soc. 13, and, � <br />NW'1y of a lin� parallel wi�t�� & 60 reot SF'ly� (moas�x�d at right � ! <br />angles) �rom the aioresaid line �unning at right angles to said center; <br />line of lane. <br />Subjec;t tQ an easement �or roadway purposes over �he S'ly 7.5 ie�t � <br />thereoi, and together with an easement �or road�vay purposes over a <br />strip o� land 30 �e�t in width �unnin; through the �.� or SE� o� SEQ <br />of Sec. 13, T.29, R.23, the center line os waich runs N. �9� 35' SY. <br />irom a point on tk�e E, line of said Sec. i3 distant 5'l5.6 �eet N. of <br />the SE corner th�reof. <br />Apparent record oti�ner: Leo Lileto & Frances Lilmto, l�usband & wife, <br />(as joint tenants). <br />That part of the E.� oY SE� o� SE� oi Sec. 1.3, T.29, R.23, Iying SW'ly� <br />o� the center line o� PrlcC�rron Boulevard S, as now located & NE'Iy of ' <br />the center line a� a lane running N. 79' 35' W, from a point on the E., <br />line oi said Sec. 13, distant 575.6 feet N, ox the SE corner thereof, ; <br />& lying �E of a line N�'ly from �aid center line of land at � <br />right an�;��� ��ereto �xAm a point distant 65`!.?4 feet NW' 1y from its ; <br />poin� o� be�in��n� on sa�,d L. iino af Sdc� 13, apd NW'ly �� �i 1,ino � <br />parallex ai�h th� 89 �oa� et�' ly (m�a�ured s,� ri�h� a�n�Xe�j �ram �he i <br />aforesai� lins runngng a� righti angl�s tio said o�nt�r lins,aY lane. , <br />(over) � <br />� <br />�. <br />, . .. � . , ,. � .., <br />m <br />. .....,.� .,,,.._._ _._. _,...,�-...�.f �,.....,.�,,.. .. .... �. , .� <br />. .r -�-^-��--. .r. �.r,,�.,_,.,.,�.�- . _ ,�. _ _ .. , ... , � .__ , �.,,.. . _ ,. - .., <br />. . . . . . _ . . . , : Ar . . . . . . . <br />