<br />��
<br />�
<br />#2
<br />That part oi the S.� of ��� of SS� of Sec. 13, T.29, R.23, lyi�g S�'ly
<br />of the cent�r �in� of McCarron B�ule�ard 3outh as now located, and
<br />NS'ly of thg center line of a lane runnin� N. �9' 35' �. from a point
<br />on the �� li�e of sai� ��c. 13 distant 5�5.6 fe�� N. of the S� corner
<br />ther�of, and lying S� of a li�e runni�g N�'ly �rom �aid center line
<br />of lan� at right angles thereto from a point distant 47?.?4 feet NW'ly
<br />from its poiat of beginnin� on said �. line of Sec. 13, and IdW' ly
<br />of a lime pa��,llel with and 60 feet SS' 3.y (me�.sured at right angles)
<br />fram the a�roresaid iine running at righ'� an�les to said center line
<br />of land.
<br />Sub,j�ct to �n easemsnt for ro�dway purpo�es over the S'ly 15 feet
<br />th�reo�', and t�gether with an ea�em�nt f�a� �o�dway p�ar ases over a
<br />a�ri a� land 34 feet in width run�in� through the E.� of SF� of S�E�
<br />of See. 13, T.29, R. 23, the center Iine of which runs N. ?9' 35' �.
<br />from �. point om the �, line of said Sec. 13 distant 575.6 feet N. o_f
<br />the S� aorner th�reoia
<br />Appa�ent record awn�r: Mary I�. Torp.
<br />/.�� �-�, .�G�G.' �t',�,�,'`�'a�''r�'A
<br />',Ch�.t par� of �he E. � of S�� of S�� of 3ec. 13, T. 29, R. 23, lying
<br />SW'ly of th� center line oi l�cCarron Boulevard S, as no�► located and
<br />N�' ly of the c�n�er lia�� of a lan� running �. 79` 35' W. from a
<br />point on �. line of said Sec. 13, distant 575.� feet N. of the Sl�
<br />co�rn�r tl�ereof, and lying �T o�P a line running NE' ly from said center
<br />line of lane at right an�le�s t�ereto, from � point d�sta�nt 53?,?4
<br />f�et IdW' ly from its point �f beg�.nning, on said �, li�e� of Sec. 13,
<br />anc� NW' ly c�f � lin� p�rallel with & 60 fee� SE' ly (measured at ri�ht
<br />ang�l�s� from th� a�oresaid lin� running �t right angles to said cent�r
<br />1 �.ne of l�ne?..
<br />Sub�ect to an easement for ro�dway purposes over th� S'ly 15 feet
<br />thereof , ans� togeth�r with an eassemea�t for roat�way purposes over a
<br />et�ip of iand 30 f�et ix� width runnin� tixrough t�e E. � of SF� of S��
<br />o� Sc�c. 13, T.29, R.23, the center line of which run� N. 79' 35' W.
<br />from � pc�int on the �, line of said Seca 13, distant 5?5.6 fe�t N.
<br />of the S� corn�r th�roof . /�� ,�,,��, ,�
<br />��C--� �� �
<br />Appa�rent �ecord owner : Irving M. NordahZ & Cecilia �1. Nordahl,
<br />husband and wife (a� �oint tenants).
<br />That paxt of the �. � oi SF� of 3E� af Sec � 13, T. 29, �.. 23, lying SW' ly
<br />of the center line of �deCarron Boulevard South as �ow located & N�'ly
<br />of the cen�@r line of a lane running N. ?9° 35' W. from a point on the
<br />�, line of said Sec. 13, distant 5?5.6 feet N. of the SE cornex
<br />thereof, �.nd lying ST of a line running NE'ly from said center line
<br />of l�ne at ri�ht angl�a thereto, fx�m a point distant 597.74 teet
<br />T�iY' ly from ita point of beginning on sair! Fs. line of Sec. 13, and
<br />NW' ly oi a line parallel witln & Ei0 feet SE' ly (measured at right
<br />angles} fro� th� aforQsaid line running �.t right angles to said center
<br />line of lane.
<br />Sub��ct to a� �as�ment �or roadway purposes ov�r the S'ly 15 feet
<br />thereoi, and together with an easement for roadway purposes over a
<br />strip oi: lancl 30 teet in width runnin�g through the F. � oz ST� o� SE�
<br />af Sec. 13, T.29, R.23, the center iine ot which r�uns N. ?9° 35' SY.
<br />from a pQint on the T. lin� of said Sec. 13 distan� �7�.E� teet N. of
<br />the 3F corner thereof � / G>/� ��r� �%�� �,,�,..,..�_,<:..�..�.,,�,,,�
<br />t� C_
<br />Apparent record owner:
<br />(as �oint tenanta).
<br />Len Lileto �C Fran�es Li�.�to, husband & wife,
<br />That pa.rt of the �.� ot SE� o� S�� of Sec. 13, T.29, R.23, lying SW'ly
<br />o� the c�nter lin� ot AdcCar�on �oule�ard S. as now located & I�T'ly o�
<br />the center line o� a lane running N. ?9' 35' Wo f�om a point on the E,
<br />line of said See. 13, distant 575.6 feet N. ot� the ST corner ther�of,
<br />& lying S� of a line runn�ing IdE' �y fro� said center i.ine of land at
<br />right angleg thereto from a point distant 657.74 fe�t NW'ly f rom its
<br />point of l�egi�aning on sa�.d S. line of Sec. 13, and NW' ly of a lin�
<br />parall�l with the 60 feet ��'ly (measur�ed at right angles) from the
<br />afo�esaid line runnin� at �right angles to said center line of lane.
<br />(over)
<br />