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i'0; V311age Council <br />FRoM; George A. h�ear�rez� Secretary Plar�ning Coaimission <br />gUg.T�CT: File 65-277 Rozoning request of Rob��rLs Const�uction - <br />Robert Carr a�d George Hart, fram R-I to I-1 property <br />soufi.hea�t corner of Tarminal Road and F�lham <br />Mr. Daubney repr�senting Robarts Constr�ction, submitted a well <br />planned development fo�c this are� cansistin� of 2 buildings with <br />the s�tbacks, screening` confor�aing with the ordinance. In addita.or� <br />he proposed to con��ruct a red c�dar f�nce along ths south line of <br />his praparty. There was considorable opposition to granting this <br />request, 'I'�e residents to the south of the pxoperty submitted a <br />petit�.on sigaed by 34 resident§ requesting that the area along T'erminal <br />Rmad remai.n in the dt-1 classification. <br />41i17�aga Planner Dai�lgacen st�ted that it was unrealistic to consi.der <br />a s�.na�,e family devalopme�a�t for this property and further st�ted that <br />the �proposa�. of construc�ing 2 buildings would carry� out the intent <br />of the a�dinance as it r�elates to contiguous residential property. <br />It is recoanmended �iy a majorit� vote, one abstaining, to grant this <br />rezoning rqquest fram R-�. to I-1. <br />August b� 1965 <br />cc-�oberts Construction Co. <br />James Nelson <br />