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�� <br />���:�i : <br />V <br />e � <br />1��11age C�unci� <br />�ar�e t�mbr�z, Se�retar� �'2an�ink Cornmissi�n <br />SU�,�'�CT: File 65-264 Prc�p�sed dc� eld��nt design ss shown �n g�o�osed <br />plan �1 attacheci h�r��ith for th� �a�e of P-3 property, <br />approx�mately 3.1 a�r�s re�ommended f�� �ezoning at the <br />Plannin� C�mr,��an �ne�ti�� Apxi� ?y 1965. <br />The dev�e loper, rarley, submit �ed twa p�.ans whicti were consiciered by the <br />�lannin� Commissi�n on �i�y Sth. Plan No. 1, attached her�with, was <br />ronsi.dered ta bs tlie most �ractical because the gaxages along the westerl;� <br />lin� of the property w�re less objectionable to the o�ners an Centerinial <br />Urive. <br />It i� re�omme�d�d th�t the rlevelopment plan No. � dated 1�1ay S, 19G5, be <br />approved on the conditi.on t}ia� sufficient land be dedica�ted to construct <br />a full cul-`le-sac at the end of C�n�cennial Drive. �otii Mr. Caxley anct <br />h4r, T�ny Schmirit wig�. hav� �o contrib�te �hc land to n�al:� this cul-de-sac <br />possi.Ule. Other conclitions such as street patte�n, sanitary sewer, water <br />and fer�ce around t�e low area at the southwest carner as listed in our <br />recort�mendations of Apra.l 9t11, mu5t b� performed by the developer. <br />cc-Garley <br />J�mes Nelso�3 <br />htay 10, 1��i5 <br />