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� <br />� <br />U <br />PETITI0�1 �'OR VACATION OF STREET <br />To: The Village Council <br />Village of Roseville <br />Rsmsey County, Minnesota <br />Honorabl.e I�ember� of the Council: <br />� f� �! <br />� ,f <br />i <br />We, the undersigned, majority of the owners of land abuttin� <br />the followin� described street, petition your honorable body to v�cate the <br />followin� street: <br />That part of North Grotto S�reet, more particularly described as <br />follows, �o wit: <br />�, . <br />Be inning at a point of int�rsec�ion of the sout��.ine of <br />g <br />State Trunk Highway ���36 and the west line of North Grotto <br />Street; thence Southerly along the west line of Nor�h Grotto <br />Stireet a distance of 191 feet Co a point; thence 3.n a South- <br />easterly direction a�.ong a line parall�l with the sou�h line <br />of the said S�ate Truntc Highway ��36 a distance o£ 66 feet, <br />mare or less, to a point on the easC line of North Grotto <br />S�xe<:t; thence Northerly along tk�e east line of North Grotto <br />Street 191 teet; m�.�re or less, to a point in the south line <br />of said StaCe Trunk �lighway ;�36; rhence North�aesterly along <br />the south line of SC�a�e Trunlc Highway ��'3b to the point of <br />Uc��, the �aid described stre�t lying and being in th� <br />Soui:heas� Quar�er of Section 11, T�ownship 29, Range 23. <br />The reasons for this petition are as follaws: <br />la That the said portion of the said sCreet,above descr�.bed no langer <br />serv�s �ny useful purpose as a s�ree t. <br />2. That the said partion of the said street 3.s not nePd�d by the <br />owne�s of any oi the xeal esta�e adjaining the same. <br />3. That �he vacation of the said por�ion of the said street �vi.11 <br />facilitate the development of Che real estate and premises lyin,s�, westerly <br />of t�he center line oE ...the t�aid portion of the said street, which real estate <br />and premises are owned Uy one of the pe�ition�rs herein. <br />Dated this ��_ daY o� ���� -, 19 61. <br />n <br />� <br />/'� r <br />v y <br />_�`' ....J-� /�-t,'--a-�.,.� �/'�..-z�l�- �,.� <br />----. <br />� t <br />,.(:� "�� � � .,o <br />