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NiyTIfE �P PU�3L1C ![BAltING <br />t <br />?�U 1�FK�1 TT Hh`� t�lt��l: <br />Notfce is hore►bY �iv�A that ths Pl,�nning Co�+xssion of tho Vf llage <br />of R+oseville� Minneaota, 1701 North Lexington Avenuo� S�t. Paul, <br />Ninnesot�, �ri11 �et at 7:30 P.M. , Mednesday, Juay 7� �965, at the <br />Vi �Isg� E181 i t� Co�n�i�ier the fol law�ing request ; <br />Reton�ng fx� R-1 to �-3 of proporty loeated at <br />3085 High�oay 8, r+hich is legally d�scribed as fo�loas : <br />All that part af th� NW 1/4 of Seca 5p T„ 29, Rti 23 <br />described as �ollc�+►a: Co�+manci�� �t g point in the <br />center 1lne of Trunk Nigh�ay Noo 8, 64x.84 fte S1� af a <br />point whoa°o th� s�id center li�e fataxsects the N Iine <br />o� said Sec. S; thance S�1 along sai.d +ce�tar line 40?03 ft; <br />Lhen�ce NW at right angles to tEa+e canter lino of sai�9 <br />Trunk Nighway to th� N lino af s�id Sec S; thanc+a E along <br />the N lin� of said Sec 5, to a point 1254 ft C of the NtY <br />�orner corne�r of Sec S, thenr,e 5E to the poi�t of beginninB <br />exoeptitrg therefmm all that part NW' ly of the follow- <br />i�g dsscribed lino: Co�u�en�ing at a po�nt on the S1V' ly lin� <br />of �aid Tract, 911 a 4 ft SB' ly of Cha NW corne�r th�reof ; the�� NE' lY <br />per�.31e l to �a�d �nte r lirae s�€ Trun�C H�ghway Ma � 8 to a poiat on <br />the iNE'ly iine of said �ract and thare t�r�ain�t��.g; Subjact to <br />easemenCa of recordo <br />� <br />� <br />C�.� <br />�'�`°�`�illr��e Clar <br />