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VI�L�GE <br />� <br />O F ,�, <br />L E 1VI I <br />t �,r <br />. ;' <br />1lTNESCJ'T'A:� <br />One of the conditions irr�osed on Northern States Power Company�s constn�ction <br />a 345 k. v. transmission line t}lrough Roseville is t�ie assurancs that the txa�.ns�f <br />mission line wnulci cause no M1 - FM radio or television interference. To co <br />��ith this requirement Nortliern States Poiaer Company is to survey a11 raclio a dly <br />television reception within 3 0 0 f e e t o f t l� e t r a n s m i ssion line before and after <br />t}ie line is energized and co r r e c t an y i n t e r f e r e n c e tracea b le to the transmissi <br />1 ine . on <br />Tl�e survey before tlie transmission line is energized will begin on vecember I$ <br />� 1�G7. Tliis survey is not mandatory for t}ie resident but it is highly recomQnend <br />It will be a grea�t cieal easier to determine the source of reception pmbl�� a fed. <br />the line's construction if t}i� status of reception can be determined rior to ter <br />construction. You at� encouraged to participate. p <br />?9ie survey following en�rgizing of tlie transmission line will `�e imdertaken in <br />the simimer of 1968. <br />, <br />The Village of Roseville ancl Nor�tlienl , <br />consultant engineer from LaGran�e� Illinois, Ttobert �,� oneslav��e�aged a <br />surv�eys. I�ir. Jones has liad extensive experience in raciio and televisionk nteTSe <br />ference pro}�lems and has cievelopecl a consultirig practice in this field. <br />The survey team cor�osed of r•1r. Jonos, �?le Villag� representative arid a Northe <br />States Pow�r CornparAy repreSentative wi11 visit your� home on rn <br />or beri��en 9;00 aom. �nd 5��0 <br />o£ intrvduction and a copy of this le�tte�r to identify�the ellves��l carry a letier <br />R1VT/tr� <br />� <br />�� •�' � �y� . Y ,� <br />� ' � ' � �.. �' . � r <br />, � s�' �{� � � � ��k <br />� 1♦ <br />Yours truly, <br />, <br />_ l ----, <br />GYf <br />Richard 6d, T�urnlimd <br />Va.l l �ge Manage r <br />,-,�, '. ,�'.,+,� ' �70.1 NORTH LEXINGTON <br />'; ' •:ROSEVILLE, MI�TNESOTA, 55113 <br />�J'�.4+ . � r� °.?�,' • .� 4 � 3 3 71" � , <br />, ti '�t�� .�,i �}\ > � ��; � i <br />� <br />