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�ILLd��'� <br />� <br />Q <br />� <br />� O F �, <br />� <br />September 30, 1568 <br />Dear Resident: <br />One �of tha conditions imposeci on Noxthern StatOs PowBr Company's constructi�n <br />of a 345 k,v, line through Roseville is the assurance that the txansmission <br />lin� would cause no AM-Fht radic or television intergexence, To c�mply with <br />this requirement Northern Stazes Power Company is to survay a11 radia and <br />television reception within 300 ieet of the transmission line befpre and �fter <br />the lin� is energized and correct any interference traceable to the txeats- <br />m�ssion line, <br />The survey before the transmission line was energized was eompleted in <br />January 1g68. Now the re-survey� after the line has been energized, will b� <br />held the ifrst w�eks of October, 1968o This ro-st�rvey is not m�ndatory for <br />the rQsident but it is higt�ly recamrr�ended, In this manner th� rec�ption b�fax� <br />and after the line was �nergiz�d can be documented, <br />The Village of Roseviile and Northern States Puwer Campany have engaged a <br />consultant engit�e�r from LaGxange, Illinois� Robert A. Jones� to undort�,ke <br />these surveys. Mr. Jones has had extensive experience in rad3o �nd televis3on <br />i,�t�r�erence probl�ms �nd has dsvaloped a Gorisulting practic@ in �his �ield� <br />.. Tha survey team composed of r1r. Jdnes, tiio Vzllage repras�ntative and a <br />Northorn States Power Company r�epresentative will visit your home on <br />o�' �., aetwedn 9:00'a.m, and 5:00 p�m. They wiil carry a <br />letter�',of inta'�duct�ion and a copy of this letter to identify themselves. <br />s <br />Yours xruly� <br />G� <br />Richard tiV. �'urnlund <br />Vi i laga Mana�ge�r <br />� <br />0 <br />�701 NORTH LEXINGTON <br />ROSEVILLE, MINNESO'I'A, 55113 <br />, 484-3371 <br />' 't. � , , , <br />, <br />9 <br />