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<br />T.
<br />Octobe►��3, ,1973 - �
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<br />_,
<br />CASE NUMB.ER, 784 73 �
<br />APPLICANT ;; Roland F;leck `
<br />B.ox E
<br />,�:
<br />A"shley, :,Narth
<br />�
<br />l.00AT�ION, _ � .Soufih of''Couri
<br />Highway. $ (SE
<br />,
<br />ACTI�N R�QUE,STED : R�zoning from
<br />Distr�ct :
<br />1:` -. Th� �i•operty in�question is a:parce) .consistin;
<br />appears on the Compre{iensi�e Plan as�recommended far ,a medium density °� `'��i =�<
<br />, , t;
<br />�`a ` cle�elopment gene�rally.;interpreted as townho.use�character. The pio�'ert;� �` '���,�
<br />�' ' fio fhe `noitlieast.is a tri'angle; pa,rtially occupied by a nu"rsery, which is ' f�,'
<br />' zoned B 1: The�property to:the.soufih�ivest �s-a 75 foot w�de r:.ight'of way u rs ''
<br />j��' for a�,INorthern States P:ower firansmission line; wh,'ich is -ownecl in fee`title ,��'-
<br />, ; , , ,.r ; _ � . �,
<br />S.; by NSP. Tliis strip of iand functians as. a transiti,on to the single fami�y: '� ', `z,
<br />s d,evelopmenfi.to the southwest. :1'he basic development propio;sa) is'fh�reforr�'Y ��
<br />consis�ent w;ith: the contemp(at�ed larrd "use.as�re�iewed :with the neighbo�'s'' t'� ��
<br />in the:area at public hearings �n 1969; The recent revi'ew of potential ': `'=���`3'
<br />4
<br />, multip,l,e. development parcels in the V.illage' confirmed the.med�um density `
<br />recommenda'ti on ,- ' ° `
<br />� ,
<br />- � �� ti:
<br />2: The Applicant proposes to construct 36:;units;;at:a density of �',990 square feet,� ;
<br />� per. unit The 'Ordinance requir'es a minimum of 4,0�0.;square feet per unit r' '
<br />in fihe;R�b �D�stricfi. The units are .tabe dispersed among'five` buildings,' con,tai�n'
<br />from eigh�t to fiv.e units;per structure. He propose`s to provide a garage and a; F=
<br />carport for each �nit, ;plus 17 addit'ional parking spaces dispersed among the °� 7;
<br />development for additional capacifiy.� ,The 4rclinance requir�es two parking4 ;
<br />spaces per unit, in t'his case provided by the garage ancl the'carport. �
<br />�;�
<br />3. The structures ar�..� to be built of brick and wood, and featv"re;a courtydrd
<br />for each unit between fihe garage, and carport area and the principal structur�. :'
<br />The site plans :have been reviewed extensively at meetings witli members of _..
<br />the Village :�taff and conform to the Ordindnce requirements.
<br />�
<br />: r
<br />