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, <br />,' <br />•-.._..--_ a <br />n <br />F�.CJIT CL�;Ci�1 Di:�� <br />i' <br />�� <br />THIS I2TD�.i1�Ur�E made �his � day of <br />, � <br />, <br />� C' � � � �� . , 1971, <br />between �IG�HTH STREET DEVEL��'MENT CO�iPxidY, a oorpors�ion under th� <br />lawg of the State o� t�iinnesnta, par�y of' the Pirst part, end DAYTON <br />DEVELOPME'?�1T C�I�i''A�aYp e corporation under the laws of th� 3tate of <br />M�.nnesota, party of the second part, <br />WITNESSETH that the said party of the firsti part in consid- <br />eration of tihe eum of C�e Dollar ($I.00 ) to it in hand paid by '�l�ae <br />eaid party af the eeconci p�rt, the receipt whereof is hereby �eknow- <br />ledgec�, does hereby grants b�rgain, qui� cla.�.m, and conv�ey un�o the <br />�a1d party of the seconc� part, its �ucces��or� anc3 assi�ns, �'orever, <br />all �he tract or parcel of lanci lying and being in �h� County of <br />R�mBey and State of Minnesota, d�scribed as follow�, to-v�i�s <br />fifia� part of platted Fairview Avenu� in Rosedale <br />Cen�er First Addition, dedicated f or road purpose� <br />�herein, according �o the plat tner•eaf on #'�.le and <br />of r�cord in the oi'fice of the Regi�trax° of Ti��.es <br />in a�d for Ramsey County, ��hich lies eas�er].y of <br />the north and sou�:h quar�er line o#' Section 9, <br />Township 29 ?dorth, R�nge 23 k�est, and wes�erly <br />of the followin� described linE : B��;innino at <br />the point of intersection of a 11ne run par��.lel <br />with and distant 33 feet 1�Izst of the North and <br />SQuth Ouarter l�ne oi�' �aid Sectlon 9, with a line <br />run parallei with �nd distanC 250.8 feet South oP <br />the East gn� '.��es� �,�iarter lin� �f said Section �9; <br />thence run Easterl�r on said 250.8 foot par�lle7. <br />1in� to its intersection wi�h a lin� run par,allel <br />�rith and dis�ant 9� fe�t Westerly of` Lin? A desaribed <br />t�elos�; thenc� run Southedsterly on �aic� 9� fooL par- <br />�11�1 line to a paint thereon distant 25 fee� Narth- <br />westerl� of its intersection witr� a line run Para].lel <br />with �nd distant �8 fee� .Northwesi:arly of Line B <br />de�cribe�i belo�r�; thence run S�uth�•resterly �o a point <br />on sai�i �+8 foot p�rallel line distant 25 feet �outh- <br />westerly of its intersectirn tivi�h said 9� foot paralleJ. <br />line; thence run South���es�ei�ly on sai�? �8 i`oot p�ral�el <br />line to its ini;er�ection i•�i��i said 33 foot par�llel. line <br />and th�re terminat�.ng; <br />Linc :a. � ro� a�o�;�t c�n t:��� :1orL7; und ::�outh �a�rt�r �ine <br />� of said Section 9, di�tant 11G.2� feet Nor�h of <br />� the center of sai�3 SecLion 9, run :��'a �terly at <br />riel�i an��.cs ;���1� �ai' North anc� Sat�t}� �Uar�P.� <br />� <br />