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<br />~.J .. ....( <br />, ~, <br />'" .~ <br />, "( <br />September 12J 1988 ~ <br /> <br />. H.mbprs 0 f the Ros.vl! 1 e C >t, 11 , ' , )1 <br /> <br />;Over t.he past year, 1 havE' been ln~rcaSlngl;)' ~l'lare of the man) lHsues concernerl' _~, <br />~with land use 1n the City uf Rosevllle. We h~ve resided in Rosevlllc since. ~il <br />~,Ncvelllber, 1971. The I,exwgton School sale was the fHst hllle that I wok~ up'~!> ,,-,;;} <br />1the land use 18",ues. . ,~I,i.'~ <br /> <br />~Since that sale 8 litl.le over a year ago, r '".a wa\:.ched S.Llllllar 1S8ueS al"~sft:hl<:,:;?iI <br />f-qth"'r areas of Rosev1.l.le. I must confess th~t 1 htwC not gone bacK before th,at-.",;;.;.:.lfli' <br />i:,c"sale, b,'t I would suspect that the same iSSUE'S came up before th<'l Kacf'olc;l ., ,:...,)1~, <br />,\purchasc. Four r::aIn issues co"'~ to mind: , n....~:~ <br />'\..... ' ... ...~ ~.(+;"'.~~. ..~. <br />~ . ~ ." ..' . ~: <br />.:1. Economic gl'owth and develofllllent \.nthln the Clt>' of RoscVllle ha,s,be~!,.at_,,:i~: <br />~prim9 motlvat1on. To a certaln extpnt. that's ~ood. Wh~re I sta~t let~ln~: .,.,~ ~~~ <br />;concerned lS knowIng when ha\c we achl~ved our obJective. Growth for the sake . ~~~y~ <br />;, of grmtth alone l!' not goou. Are w{' tr'Ylng to be another lllaj or llletropoli tan "' ....". ,1 <br />,a:-ea llke r-l1nnea!Jolls and St Paul" Do we m;l.nt t.o become a c"mmunity of -, /~ 1 <br />'.~partment buildJ.ngs? What kind of city do we want to be? ~"'~~! <br />\ ..;w-. 1"2' <br /> <br />X have heard the statistics several tlmes that ROS(Wlll.-; "can absorb 150 nc~ ,,- -,:~l <br />'~partlll.ent \.mits per ycar." Thc operatlve word here IS ~an--do ~e want to a1?8or~ .J <br />~50 new units per year? We already have a good pInce to ral8P ~ family, goo4. ~~ ~ <br />yards for our kIds to play In, good recreatIonal opportunlt,cs. What do we give ~~ <br />,up whc.. we increase the concentration of people Within the City. ~' \J. <br />&t ~~\ f'~ <br />....'H, ';.~ <br /> <br />-.. -'.'1 <br /> <br />~~ v <br /> <br />&''^ ~ ~~, <br /> <br />rl . -... . <br />v). .. " <br />" <br /> <br />2. Thp second issue concerns the stated deslre of the coun~ll to approve <br />the highest and best land use w1thln RoseVllle. Aga1n, thIS sounds lIke an <br />admlrable goal. But, I am not sur~ what 'hIghest nnd best use' means. Does it <br />-mean that R-3 IS better than R-l because lt lS more concentrated and more people <br />can live on th~ ~ame amount of land? Or does it mean that bUSlness dlstricts <br />are, by deflnltlon, better than resldentlal dlstrlcts, and that industrial <br />dlstriots are better yet? I don't know the answer. I personally thInk that <br />open space can be the highest and best land use in a suburban area like <br />Roseville. <br /> <br />, ", <br />~ ~ <br />... <br /> <br />" <br />, <br />~ <br />{ <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />,. <br />... <br /> <br />3. ThlS leads to the third lssue--redevelo~ment and tax lncrement <br />financlng. When I thlnk about rede~elopment, I thlnk about the truck termlnals <br />in the industrIal zone of Rogcvllle, the Gatehay area In downtown Mlnneapolls, <br />and the Bandana Square and Selby-Dale areas In St ~aul. I don't think of open <br />space or school yards. As Mr B1cza pOinted out In hlB letter to the FOCUS last <br />week, when developers pay more fur propErty than lt .LS w~rth on the open market <br />and the City provlde~ tn.... in..::rement fHlanClng, we are aSklng for troutle. This <br />lS true at the ~ex School, ~he Concord18 property and the Rel1lng property. <br /> <br />, " <br />-;; <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />;, <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />4. Fourth, our zoning code 1$ behInd for this kind of activlty. We are <br />talklng about notlflcation of neighbors hho o~n ~ropcrty ~lthln 350 feet of a <br />requested change. The notlflGation area remaln~ the same, rega~dless of the <br />sIze of the parcel that has n proposal before the Plannln~ CommlSSlon. It could <br />be a qualter acr~, the 8.5 acrcs at Le~ School, 01 th~ 2r4 acrER In th~ ReIling <br />propert~'. ThIS 1'> SImply hOt. good enough. Vest notice l~ PUL::'lShcd lfi thp <br />ReVIew, b~t there'~ not enough tlme ~o flnd out what lS happcn4ng. Ploposed <br />de~&lopers of these larger blolks should be rcqu!red to notIfy and present <br />proposals beyond these narrow lImitatIons hhen the areas are large. <br /> <br />Wlth Issues llke thiS, If l~ tIme for a ooratorlum td look at where Rosevllie <br />cltlze~s stand on cconomi~ de~elupment and ta( ln~rem~nt flnanClng. If t~e plon <br />you are conSIderIng tcnlght lS g~od for the city toda~. It wlll ~e good later as <br /> <br />lu <br />