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C� <br />11. Description of Request: <br />$uilding height - We requesfi permission to construct a building up to and including <br />six st�ries above th� ground. <br />P�rmit use - We request the list �f accessory uses to be e.cpan�ted to inGlude a prescrip- + <br />tion counter, barber shop, printing s}Zop� and sale of office supplies. . , <br />Said acc�ssories wrll not advertise on the exterior of the building, and there will be <br />nca outside entries ko th�se accessory uses. <br />12. What will be the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of <br />occupants of surrounding lands ? <br />Tt is our opinion that the height variance will enhance the esthetic value of the area <br />by affering an interesting variakion in the area now dominated k�y 1-1/2 story and 2 <br />stary hom�s to ths sQuth, 2-1/2 sfory apartment buildings to the west, and 1-1/2 story <br />c�mmercial buildi.ngs to the r�orti�. The sch�me provides more open area than a lower <br />building � the subject �,ropcs�d butldinc� is 180 feet long, wh�reas a three-story building <br />would rarnble out ko approximately 300 feet in ler�gth, and a 1-1/2 story building to use <br />th� lot tu capacity wauld ramble over 560 feet in length from the minimum sekback on <br />F�amline to [he minirnum setback on 111bert, and would con-�pletely prohibit the view of <br />the ha�rs�s contiguous to th� south fr�r�1 the view tc� Che north. 1'11so a building of such <br />l�ngth looks :nore li}:e a warehouse than an office k�uilding. <br />Bec�use of the ��daiti�nal open ��rea that is g�ined for parking, the usable office space <br />of the bulldinct can b� increa�ed ��pproxim��t<,ly SO,a over a 1-1!2 stor}► buildinq and <br />20;�� over a 3-siory buildi�iq. This .i�s s�ver�l effects. The tax rcvenue is in dir�ct <br />proportion [� thr incame khat the building can pr�duce, �nci �3 bigc�er building can <br />produce proportionately mare grols rent. <br />Secc.�ndly, �ve ��rc com�aeting with ten��nts frorn r�ot �nly the other office builciings in thc <br />��rea, but frori� ��s f��r aw��y ��� t.he ��ric��s-I��1id�.v��y Fi:�ildin�7 ��nc� the Mid�vay Medical Arts <br />E3iiilc�ing on U�Ziv�rsi[y Avenu�, ciI1C� fI'Onl othei ti►l�aller b�iilciinc�s just �4�ithin ili� City <br />�I�I;1�S �;1u �il �l�Jc�3Cc?iii '.'liid�]t�o 4.vtlClill.lvu5 �U ZUSt�VIIIC. JUCCc�SS;ltl operation of the <br />�auilciicl� not unly rr.�4���rds th�� c��`�nc�rs, hut re�����r�is the camrnunity ��s a whole, not only <br />becausc ai t�-��es, but bec<��:;� su�-ces�ft�1 oper4��ion pr�vides rT;�ney for � nicec� b;�ilding <br />t� st��;�t �,,�Ith, better maic7t�n��iir.e, ��r;� lonc�er eco��ornie life ��+nd deterer�ce of esth�tic, <br />functional, and physical d��t�►-:oratioi�. Praspec[ive len��nts feel �h�-�t a lo�v builcfitig <br />�ti�ill ��� laat in thc� rnaze c�f ��partmetl[s ��nd commerc���l t��iilciit�gs, �vt�er� a t�ller building <br />�vill t�� visible fram the more heavily travele�ci str�ets ��nci hlghw��ys of the immediat� <br />�-�rea, just �s che new �1ici�ti�.iy C'c-pi�ssio����l �.enter is vistt�le irom l,exinc�ton ��nci <br />Univerrity. <br />Ic�� sh�rt, � first-�l��ss building will ��ttract iirst-cl��ss t�n�3nts, cTt.��;e p�ssit�le hic�her <br />renta, and «�ith this lor.�tion it appe,�rs th�t th� height tivill }�e ���irt of going firsr <br />class. It appears that � lower iauilding would attract a cla:;s af tenancs that would <br />