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Ps: <br />� <br />�t7Y1� �titl�ri <br />Appti�ant: <br />Lac�iorta <br />Act�on Raqureated� <br />��� <br />� � <br />�it7VHf1t�3Cf �J�� ���� <br />Ch��le:-W�lbert Y�,lr C��„panp, �ti�si�y C�or�ll�r, �'rersidtnt <br />22�0 t�lc�rth Ncxmlir,� �.°,�ert:,e, Sai�t Pa�rl 13 <br />Southecst cam�r of t�e�r►lin� Aver�u� ant! Highway 36. <br />Rezonirx,� from R-1 to 1-1 <br />Pt�aet�ntr� Cansid�ratia�a: <br />i. 'i'I�d�t appli�crtion was cxiginaily corlsidered ot o public h+earing held by tl�e <br />Pianning Cammissia� �n Octaber ?, i964. Reference is mod� to c r�eport <br />pcapared for th�t meetir�g which is a�pended to this rcport. <br />2. C3nt� of the b+aic cortaiderati�ns diacussed at iha OctobQr 7 meet's�g wc�s thafi <br />of �he manner in vvhich tha prape�ty ta be rezon�d fs #o bo ut€lized in +�onjt�nc4ia� <br />wilh th� exitting o�,ercti�on. lN�. Chondler waa requ�sted to prep�e pl�s indiq�sa#iny <br />#ha i�ature �f such use to be presec,ted for the N�vember me�ting. The applica�►! <br />did �oi �►pear a� the Navember meeting nar submit such piona, end thus the <br />P1c�nimg Cornmisaion vd��rned the heari:�s Po ti�e D�cember 2nd me�t3ne. <br />3. Plcros hAve naw be�re :ubmitted and i�dica#e a prc�p�d buitding expansion measiiurir�g <br />approx�rrvately b0' x 124' ta be cor.structed contiguovs t� the east enei of the <br />pt�sen# f�vildir�g. 3his �tructure wovld be lOQ' � r+�quired in th� ordinanct Fton► <br />the rec�r �roperty line. ,4n odditior�e) 6U' is propvsed to E�e u�ed for porking con�igu�us <br />to tho ea5t sicle of the new structvre, lec�,ring 40' c�f e�pen space on tha e�t �ide <br />conttguoua b the roar properly line c�s required in the R-1� District in the zani� <br />ordinance. <br />4. A sttv�ture of thia size, howeve�, can no3 confarm to the :ide yord reqviremer►t�� <br />464 feet) . In thit ccese the propased st�vcture would appecx to be �proximatal�� <br />1�' from tha sauth line of the ecaterly porcel to be ��zon�d. <br />5. Th� �$' (ot aouth of th� major pl�nt is praposed to be used f�r poeicing pu�ases <br />{as 6s the case naw}. Th� �rincipal problem with this prapasal is one of its gffect <br />on the e�cist�ng singie fam; (y residential area located on De! lwood and Sl�ierra� S�treet <br />to the east. Qbvioualy foa, e�nder the restricted land area circu�n�tances, thts i�s <br />th� ktnd of development whieh depends I�ss on the zo�ing irnolved arrod rr►ore on <br />the specific mcnner in which it ia corried out. <br />6. The zoning of course, is the lega! queagion before the Planning Cammitsion ot the <br />hec;ring. The plarnaubmit°ted are us�fv! anc� impartant i� the sense that they repr�- <br />senfi awn�r's intention and demonag�o#ion of haw the land tan be utilized'. <br />Unfortunately, i� tF�fs c�e the (args set-bocks normally required in the R-t District <br />cennot be fuily odhe�ed to. It is notealor�#�y, however� that tne ��incipai re�idents <br />aff�cted (those directl�r io the east) tivitl have the required 100' set-back from the <br />�: <br />:� <br />