Council Minutes
<br />August
<br />27, 1984
<br />-2-
<br />1) That the City Staff approves final drainage solution.
<br />2) That all plantings, flag poles, and curbing be constructed or
<br />relocated in accordance with the Site plan.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Johnson, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />T^,
<br />E-6
<br />Johnson moved, Kehr seconded that Resolution 7641, authorizing
<br />RESOLUTION 7641
<br />the Mayor and City Manager to execute a Joint Powers Agreement
<br />r
<br />with the City of Becker, Minnesota providing for the use of
<br />be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Johnson,
<br />their IRB entitlement,
<br />Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />--'�
<br />E-7
<br />Curley moved, Kehr seconded that a Public Hearing be established
<br />special
<br />on Discus of Roseville, Inc. application for on -sale and
<br />Road
<br />��.
<br />Sunday liquor licenses at 2720 Snelling Avenue Frontage
<br />Meeting of September 24, 1984. Roll Call,
<br />East for the Council
<br />Ayes: Kehr, Johnson, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-8
<br />Johnson moved, Kehr seconded that Paul's Place request to
<br />withdraw application for off -sale liquor license at 2965 North
<br />be approved; and authorizing the refund of the
<br />Snelling Avenue
<br />$200.00 license fee. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Johnson, Curley,
<br />Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />Johnson moved, Kehr seconded that Steve Burwell's request to STEVE BURWELL
<br />withdraw application for off -sale liquor license at 2100 Nortli
<br />Snelling Avenue be approved; and authorizing the refund of the
<br />$200.00 license fee. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Johnson, Curley,
<br />Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-9
<br />Curley moved, Franke seconded that TGI Thursday's, Inc., d/b/a
<br />T.G.I. Friday's, request to withdraw their application for
<br />on -sale and special Sunday liquor licenses and endorsement to
<br />permit outside liquor sales be approved; and authorizing the
<br />refund of the $7,225.00 license fees. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr,
<br />Johnson, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-10
<br />Curley moved, Kehr seconded that Change Order 02 for Roseville
<br />Bandsliell project in the amount of $318.00,to be funded from
<br />the Bandsliell Contingency Account,be approved. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Kelir,, Johnson, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-11
<br />Curley moved, Franke seconded that the Mayor and City Manager
<br />be authorized to execute an agreement for engineering services
<br />with Midwest Pavement Management Lo implement a pavement manage-
<br />ment program for the City of Roseville. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr,
<br />Johnson, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />1.i-12
<br />Johnson moved, Kehr seconded that Sliort, Elliott and Ilendrickson
<br />be autlorized to complete a feasibility study for the expansion
<br />®
<br />of 1=ulliam Pond, Project 54-13, in accordance with their letter
<br />of proposal dated August 16, 198-1. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr,
<br />Johnson, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />A
<br />