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FML, Inc. <br />STS Project 93589 <br />August 28, 1985 <br />The ten anticipated four-plex buildings for this development are <br />concentrated primarily on the eastern half of the property in order <br />to avoid areas of known fill deposits. The proposed building <br />locations are indicated on the Site Plan included in the Appendix <br />of this driveway report. Paved driareas and uti)!ities will be con- <br />Y <br />structed within the development. <br />Scope of Work <br />a <br />The subsurface exploration program for Lhis project consisted of <br />performing twenty (20) soil borings extending in depth from 20.5 to <br />35.5 ft below the existinground surface. The soil boring loca- <br />tions are indicated on the enclosed Site Plan. <br />The purposes of the subsurface exploration were to evaluate soil <br />� <br />conditions at the preliminary proposed building locations* as well <br />as determine the extent and nature of fill soils on the western <br />half of the site. if soil conditions are suitable, the use of <br />dynamic compaction or other alternative means of subgrade correc- <br />tion would be evaluated in order to allow more extensive develop- <br />meet or greater freedom on the project layout* <br />for this subsurface explorations the boring locations were selected <br />by STS Engineer, Mr. James Overtoom, after consultation with <br />representatives of PMLl Inc. The borehole locations were located <br />� <br />in the field by STS representatives by measuring from existing <br />t <br />landmarks. The ground surface elevations at the boring locations <br />were deteminod by our field crew, ralaative to as City of Roseville <br />bench mark. This bench mark is the trap nut of an adjacent fire <br />hydrant on Victoria Avenue with a known elevation of 541.47 ft <br />USGS. All elevations used in this report will be referenced to <br />this datum. <br />1 <br />1 <br />