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E <br />1i <br />4 <br />upon the said prem' ,es which may make void or voidable any insurance of <br />the said premises or, jildingagainst fire or may renderany increased orextra <br />premium payable foranysuch insurance: that no rubbish• dirt, orsweepings <br />shall be allowed to accumulate in or on said leased premises or be put in the <br />streets or passageways adjoining said leased premises, but the same shall be <br />removed from the leased premises and from said streets and passageways by <br />Lessee: that Lessee shall not sell nor allow to be sold any intoxicating liquors <br />upon said premises unless the sale thereof is permitted by law and also said <br />premises are rented for such express purpose hereunder, and that Lessee will <br />not do any act or bring any thing in or upon said premises, or the building of <br />which said premises form a part, or the sidewalks, loading dock or alleyways <br />adjacent thereto, which will in any way interfere with the rights of other <br />tenants in said building or injure or annoy them. <br />5. Lessee covenants not to make, orcause to be made, any improvements, <br />additions or alterations to or upon said leased premises without having first <br />secured the written consent thereto of Lessor, it being expressly understood <br />that in the event any improvements, additions or alterations are made to or <br />upon said leased premises with the consent of Lessor, Lessee shall pay for the <br />same, and no obligation to pay any part thereof shall rest upon Lessor and <br />that any such improvements, additions or alterations shall become a part of <br />the demised premises and the property of Lessor, unless the Lessor sees fit to <br />have the Lessee remove such improvements and require file Lessee to restore <br />the said premises to their former condition. Lessee covenants to pay as they <br />become clue alljust claims for labor, skill, and materials used in making any <br />such additions, alterations, or improvements and to indemnify and save <br />Lessorand the leased premises harmless of and from all costs, expenses, and <br />damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit, arising out of <br />orconnected with any statutory or other liens against said leased premises or <br />the building whereof they arc a part for or on account of such labor, skill, and <br />materials. For the further protection of Lessor, Lessee covenants, upon <br />request therefor by Lessor, to secure and furnish a bond with surety or sureties <br />thereon satisfactory to Lessor, indemnifying Lessoragainst all such loss, cost, <br />and expense, including reasonable aflorncys' fees and costs of suit, by reason <br />of statutory or other liens against said leased premises or said building for or <br />on account of such labor, skill, and materials used in making any such <br />improvements, alterations or additions. <br />6. Lessee covenants that all property of any kind that may be on the said <br />((++remises shall be at the sole risk of Lessee or those claiming through or under <br />t_csscc, and Lessor shall not be liable to Lessce, or to any other person, for <br />injury, loss, or damage to any person or property in or upon file said prcrnises <br />or the building of which the demised premises are a part, or for the equip- <br />ment, fixtures, appliances, or machinery in or upon the sane or the halls, <br />passageways, areas, areaways, and sidewalks or streets adjoining or ap- <br />purtcnaant to the same being or becoming out of repair ordefcctive or due to <br />happening of any accidents, ho%wcyer occurring, or due to any net or the <br />neglect of Lcsscc or any other person, persons, or corporation. or clue to the <br />bursting of pipes, or caused by the use or misuse of any instrumentality in or <br />connected \with file said demised prcrniscs or the building of which they area <br />part, or occasioned by any nuisance made or suffered to occur thcrron or <br />therein. And I.essce assumes all liahility and obligation on account of all <br />damagcsarisingout of the nmltcrsand thingsabovc referred to and covcnan1% <br />to hold Lessor harmless and indemnified front all %rich injury, I•i%%, or damage. <br />The foregoing provision% shall apply especially, hilt not rxclu%ivcly, to <br />damage caused by water, snow, rain, backing up of water mains or %ewers, <br />frost, sienna, sc%%rrage. gas, or odors of any kind, elccuicily and electric <br />current or by the bursting, stoppage, or leakage or leaking of waiter pipes or <br />radiators, plumbing, and fixtures in or about tire said prrnti%c% or the building <br />of which the derni%cd premises arc a part. <br />7. Lessee ro%cnants- <br />(a) I o keep the roof, %Irps and %idc%%alk%and p;%%aagr%%a%s holderr•tg <br />upon said leased prcmi%r%( %%here leased %pace bordet% upon a sidc%taalk or <br />pa%%age%aa%) it all time% free from ice and %nO%% and other obstruction% or <br />thing, awhich in the opinion of the Le%%or are objrclionahlr: <br />(h) 1 hat Lewe or any other person or pc%on%Claiming under I.r%%cc <br />%%ill a%r the Malls, slrpi, pawigc%%;ay%, little[ room%, and thick tars in the <br />building of awhich %,aid Ira%rd prenu%r%arc it parr %ubjrci t" %rich rule%;% <br />rn;%%• from time to time be made h% Lc%%or for the general cart% and <br />Con\cnirncc of the o\airrr%, occupants, or Irnatnt% of said building and <br />Lc%see %haall br ohligatrd lu make sorb chit ngr%, uI its oar n r\prn\r, to lhr <br />demised prcmises that may he onlrrrtl b% tut% go%e►nntrntal agency. <br />8. t.r%%cr co%rnant%that I rs%or %hall have llar light to placc %uitaatile card% <br />in the windo\\%of the dermwd pirnnisr%and %hu%%%aid premise%fur Icttingal <br />reasonable time%during Ihtrr(!) months prr\iou%to the termination of thi% <br />Ica%r, or any r.\Irnsion thereof, ;told that i.r%soi, tit it% authorised aCcnlc. <br />scr%anl%, or atiorncya, and any conirartoi%. huildrr%. or materiaf r, <br />employed by I Osot. and their ,lgetil% and %cr\ani ma-. ,i .,• . <br />rcasonaable tiotesrnirt to \ir%\ or c\anlinr Uac I ;, i a,r..,,. <br />so elect%, to make reptairs thcrrin and %tielr nnpi ,n, it,, w <br />Lessor %hall %rein propel and to rrnlo\c placards and sigh, n, end <br />affixed a% hrrrin p►o%ided: it being r%ptcs%l% understood and agrccd that <br />l es.ur shall brand i% tinder nu ohligatiun to nuikr;ray rt•pai%rmless paragraph <br />2 of Lessor'% Co%rnants hereof is ;applicable and, if applicable, then I "%or <br />shall be obligated to stake ncccssar\• repairs to only "%tructtit al pact%"its that <br />phra%c is in said paragraph dclinetl. <br />9, I.c%sce covenants that all goods, chattels, li\lurc%, stock in trade, and <br />accounts tecciv;rblc belonging to the Lessee shall he ai all tinnes hound and <br />charged \%iih a lien in favor of Le -or said licit to extend lilt all rents <br />hereunder and the fulfillment Of any Other cu%enunf% or agreements herein <br />re%erved, and that, in Case of delauiI by I c%sce, Les%oi may icnio%c, pail or <br />all of Lessee's property and sell the sane of any part thereof, at au pri\atr or <br />public sale, without gi\ing notice of any kind to Lessce or being liable to <br />Lessee in an% \%ay on account of such sale or remu%al of ,goods, and al,plY the <br />procec(Is obtained from such sale, first to the payment of the costs of suth <br />removal and of advertising and conducting such %ale, file remainder to he <br />retained by Lessor for any charges %%hich it nuuy have against Lcsscc, any <br />balance thereafter remaining to he paid to Lessce. I he Lessor nrry file a <br />photostatic copy of this lease with the proper (if lice, icquired for the liling of it <br />Financial Statement as to chattels, and shall hank the ;,line force and effect as <br />a I•inancial Statement. Upon the request of the I.essor, the I.cssec %will <br />execute a Financial Statement, as prescribed by the Statutes of the State of <br />Minnesota, to he filed by Lessor, to carry out the intent of the paragraph of <br />this lease. <br />10. Lessee acknowledges that there are in effect federal, state and local <br />laws, regulations and guidelines, and that additional and other Ihws, regula- <br />tions and guidelines may hereafter be enacted or go into effect, roelating to or <br />affecting the leased premises or the building in which the demised premisefarc <br />located, and concerning the impact on the environment and/or energy <br />sources, construction, land use, the maintenance and operation of structures, <br />and the conduct of business. Lessee shall not cause, or permit to be caused, <br />any act or practice, by negligence, ommission, or otherwise, that would <br />adversely affect the environment, waste energy, or do anything to be done <br />that would violate any of said laws, regulations, orguidelines. In the event of <br />violation of this covenant, Lessor, at its option, may treat such violation as <br />an event of default constituting a breach by the Lessce of this lease. Lessee <br />shall have no claim against Lessor by reason of any physical or operational <br />changes Lessor may make in the leased prcmises pursuant to said laws, regula- <br />tions and guidelines. In event, by virture of any change in said laws regulations <br />or guidelines referred to in this paragraph, certain physical changes are <br />required in the demised premises, Lessee shall pay its proporationate share of <br />any cost incurred by said Lessor. <br />11. Lessee further covenants and agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys' <br />fees and expenses of Lessor incurred in enforcing any of the terms of this <br />lease, if Lessor prevails. <br />LESSOR'S COVENANTS <br />I. It shall be the Lessors responsibility to maintain Fire and Extended <br />Coverage insurance on the building of which these demised premises arc a <br />part. <br />2. i3y "structural parts" as referred to in paragraph numbered R above, <br />Lessor cove naFit sit t its own cost and expense to keep in rcpair the structural <br />parts of said building, "structural parts" as that phrase is used herein, consists <br />of the foundation, exterior masonry walls and roof, in good repair, The <br />Lessor, however, shall not be require(! to make any such repairs which <br />become necessary by reason of the negligence of Lcsscc, its agents, servants <br />or employees. In all other respects, the leased premises, including, but not <br />limited to the doors, windows, electrical, mechanical and plumbing equip- <br />ment, shall at all times be kept in good order, condition and rcpair by Lessee. <br />MUTUAL COVENANTS <br />It is mutually co%cnanted: <br />I. In case the said premises, or any part thereof. or the whole or arty part <br />of the building of which t hcy arc a part, shall, after the execution hereof and <br />before the expiration of said terns, be destroyed or partially destroyed or <br />damaged by fire, windstorm or other unavoidable casualtyso that the leased <br />prerniscs, in whole or in part, are unfit for occupancyand use, then this lease <br />and the said term shall terminate at the election of the Lessor, provided, <br />however, that if Lessor sloes not tca iiinatc this Ica%c and the term thereof. <br />then I.c%scc may terminate this least .and the said term by written notice <br />dcli%cicd at the usual place designated by the Lessor for the payment of rent <br />within for iy(40) days from the date of such destruction ordamage, if aithi•i <br />thirty (30) day% of said destruction of damage said Lc%sor has not cnlcrc�. <br />into ;I contract %%i1h a tesponsibic party. or parties, providing for the sub- <br />%tantial rc%Ioiation or repair of said prcrniscs. %%ithin one hundred fifty(150) <br />days from the (title of such destruction or damage, it bring understood that <br />(file alio%%ancc may be made in am• such contract for delays in making such <br />rrsloration or repairs %%here such delays arc due to or caused by what are <br />conunoniy kno%%n as" Labor lrmuhlc%" or by a %hortagc of accessary materials <br />or inability to %scum %uch materials. If %aid Ica%c and said lean are not so <br />irrnunatcd by cilhcr I.r%%or or l.r%%cc, then, incase of any suchdc%lruction of <br />or damage it, the Ira%cd prcmi%r%,,l jti%t proportion of the rent licicinbcforc <br />ic%ri wed according to the naltirr and extent of file injury or damage %ustnined <br />by the Ieaa%cd prrnti%c%♦hail be %u%prndrd or abated until the let,%ed premises <br />%hall ha%c been put in proper condition for u%c ;and occupancy. 11, hn%%e%cr, <br />111i% Ira%r and %raid Irtnt be Irruninaatcd pur%u;a»t hereto by cilhcr Lcssor or <br />I "%cc, Own Ici urination %hall hr a% of Ihr date of %rich doom union or darnagc <br />and each of the paitir% hereto %hall be rrlea\rd and discharged of all liability <br />and obligation hereunder, one to the other, a% of said date. <br />2 II i%r\pre%%ly undrr%food and agrcrd that I.rc%or,-.1%ca%loa% lirrein be <br />r%pic%%I% pro%idrd, %hall be under no obligation %%hat%oe%rr during fire terns <br />of Ihi% Ir,l%r ur any c%irn%ioIl thereof It, paint, paper, or decorate said Ica%rd <br />prrnn%r% or any pat there()[ and that, if Lessce do%ices to ha%r said Ira%rd <br />prrnti%r% oI any part [lirrrol painted, papeted, or decorated, Lcs%ce %hall <br />%retire the %%tittrn con%cnl of (.r%% or thrrclo, aid upon such consent being <br />secured, shall cause %rich painting, papering, or decorating to be done a1 <br />I secs'% solrco%t and r\prn%r and %hall, as aforcmid, pray a%they hccomeduc <br />.111 Just c•Iaitit% fill labor, %kill, tit material% lurni%hrd or u%rd in connection <br />thcrc%%ith and fully indrntiiifyand %awe harmless Lessor ()(and frontal) loss. <br />costs. and r\prn%r, including rraa%onable allorne\ti firs, by reason of nn\ <br />statutor\ or other hrn%again%t %acid leased premise%for of on account of the <br />f urni%hing and u\r of labor. skill,and malrtial%. And it is further understood <br />and agreed that in connection \%ith any %rich papering, painting, or decorat- <br />ing, I.r%sor, at its option, Wray irquirc t.r%sir lO furnish it bond conditioned <br />It)[ the fall indcnaiaification of I r%sor and the staving harniles%of %aaitl Ira%ed <br />preuati%rs of and from the afoac%aid los%, costs, and r\prnse. including <br />reasonable aUorne\ %' fees and cost% of suit, afi%ing out of any such lien%, tiresutcty or surctirs thcrron it, lie.ati4actory Io Lcssor. <br />1. Any and all advet tising or di%phay signs %%hick may hays been attached <br />Or arlli\cd h% I.rssce to ally part of the demised premises or the building <br />ahcreot %rich premises are :t part shall he tcino%ed by I.r%sec of I.rsscc's sole <br />cult and expense \%ithin lillccn( l5)day%alter the termination ofthis (case by <br />e\piration Of time or mher\\i%e, and any damages stone it, s,Iitl leased <br />picnti%cs or building by reason of the alfixing or rento\:al of any such sign <br />shall he promptly repaired at Lessee's sole cost and expense. If lessee shall <br />fail so to rename %raid sign or signs \%ithin the time herein provided, Lessor <br />rnay. and it is hereby authorised to. do so and store the same, if necessary, <br />and Lessee shall reinibur%e I.c%sor, immediately upon demand being made <br />therefor by Lessor, foraallcostsand expense connected with orarrisingout of <br />such ucnu,\al and %torage. If I.essee shall fail to repair promptly any and all <br />damage done to the leased premises or said building by reason of the affixing <br />of any such signs ur the renio\al therefrom as aforesaid, Lessor Wray, a old it is <br />hereby authorised Io, cause such damage to be repaired, and upon demand <br />being made therefor upon Lessec the latter shall proniptly reirnhurse Lessor <br />for all costs and expense incident to the repair of all such damages. <br />