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CONDITIONS <br />1, A claimant Is dofined as one having a direct <br />contract with the Principal or with a Subcontractor <br />of the Principal for labor, m(duriol, or both, used <br />or reasonably required for usu in the petfoinlonco <br />of the Contract, labor and material being construed <br />to Include that port of water, gas, power. light, <br />hoot, oil, gasoline, talophon* service or rental of <br />oqufpmanl directly oppllcublo to the Contract, <br />2. Ilia above numadPrincipolandSutetyhereby <br />Jointly and sovo-ally ogree with the Owner that <br />every c uimonl at hetteirs defintud, wh,ry hot not bean <br />paid in full bofor* the vitpitalion of a period of <br />ninety 190) cloys allot the dole on which the lost of <br />suchcloimoni't work or labor wasdonoa► Nattotnled, <br />at materials write luinithod by tuch ciatnloril. Pro <br />►*cute the soil to tonal Judgment lot tuck turn of <br />sums as may be justly duff cluitnotil, and havoc a• <br />oculion thotggt% Me Owner skull plot bit 11oble too <br />Ihtt paymant@tany to)tiofopt, tvf"p 1kip! <br />3. Nio IV;I vt 49f 1.04, 1tb111 (rat 4.S ;"?c,t "q1 <br />under try" ant04;mAnp, <br />S tlr:l eat ;tni!wattl, (}rl�Gt Ilt,sre `.1tut, lean t� a <br />.litatt (oftltat• wrath rt•el brinyi +I, stall tta,c <br />O,;an w+.:tl"rt <br />-#Nq Div Ptin41tt.4;, live ol.ttti. of 040 <br />ecru.•! 1%;mvtl, .will— n~,, §90i Lfa�i gf1pt,. <br />t_-1 plait-to-o J'J a, p 'rf01ct..V4 Whom list tit 114e <br />-i1n, $d lah'J•, L" tarrtathtatf lts,c iatr ctt <br />IV, ;;it* out ..h .t, t;'i@ :Hirt, it rR.itta, tlae t,.g <br />—ilk to )rAnl:tf accut:,cr vim Artst'ao CIA.. —Co <br />In's that naro of /!tg I' ;so t ro alpt tY.t --a?a- <br />!•Alt .+ere fir t9.o21. 9' t. ..6 It,n wuew-y <br />lalsclt "At tFano Or pyttotmta:l S. Lit UQ-1 1 <br />okitil bo tweed t'y ',Ailing ttrt, ia'i r, t„ 3r•,, <br />A:°tc�jtot:til qa C5rlsfi;gi *!•neon f*:.l..srfc t,,.,.p{>., , , <br />irytt Ar' a nrgsi o$re tdilta4t#gJ to 'i;:.' PA , t 1,,, <br />4'�P.tit 1 Ji:4'C Ir. al 6141Y fila(t, w?r. •r.. ."+�. ;r'!•..c <br />it t�vlatty '"t9 "nlainK;f fist At+a A".ya, l.?: �•trr <br />4-ot'li0t, of 14-44 in an, MM'Itot its ."t Ot <br />lvi)dl procets -Ma I�# 1Qo�1 t '*i !'.c t!slt +r. <br />wttigh [it* Attxttt..tiJ t?+;ties! rt I,�tatr.l: to+r <br />heal inch tarvic@ nowi t.ut lua w—vde try .i pit' - <br />tic 411ifer, <br />(b) After this o.pit,Ation of one 11) ya.rt lj)l� <br />towing the dale on which 1'-14n6pil toasr,l <br />work on tsid Contract, it bolog urints•ttIuq>LJ, <br />hoots've, that it any limitation Vt"6t•:liW Ito <br />this bard it ptohibilad by any law etrnttoWritl <br />the cpnttrolctiaro herr+ol litt,lo littoitn 7f.81 Shall <br />be deemed to be amori4il w at ly Ut, orivol to <br />the tttinitnumperiod of limitation pvttnilta.l br <br />%Ut11 tart , <br />(c) Other than in a state court of competent <br />IIurisdiction in and for the county or other po- <br />liticol subdivision of Ilia state in which the <br />project, or any part thereof, is situated, or in <br />Ilia United States District Court for the dis- <br />trictin which Ilic project, or any port thereof, <br />is situated, and not elsewhere, <br />4. Thv amount of this bond shall be reduced by <br />and 10 the e-fent of any payment of paymentt made to <br />Qood faith hemorsAor, inclusive of Ifie payment by <br />5urtrty of mrcf.tnits` liens which may be I'dedof tec- <br />aid egaino,iid improver+lent, whether or not claim for <br />tht, ,srretlunt of tuch Iien Iv presented untivo and against <br />this bo+,al. <br />