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222oghuay 7 <br />M c n�ze� oia 55113 <br />3ebmwAy 27, 1984 c <br />Altr ohn ?ukovina <br />/8 6S riv <br />� ��� enue <br />?olevi, , Mi.nneAo& 55113 <br />leak MA. - <br />3iA&� - we would like i-o peluonul4 ihanle you 4oA iAe time and <br />energy we fznow you. mcu�-end a 4p4 a member. o4 f e Po seviL& l & Cowm on. <br />lie app wac�i a;Ee is a 9ieai dea.L, �� u4 ,i.. <br />rid L�iA ; me - we would Ci he to Ae you,uppoA;6 o4 the <br />� <br />nopoied Condominium. 4oa Seni.o u which would be �ted 500 W Co, Road B. <br />c tli mon,e /Ro4eviUe .te• denim becoming Aeni (,AA each yea t - t iza 4z,cc:, ty ,iA <br />needed - and we hope will urznxan - your cvn4i.dena�.i.on, <br />We have been home ownum o� RoAev.i L,le 4olt many yeah!. - buf now <br />4.i,nd oV!&uGt. ;6o rmxi,n&i.n ou& paopeA;f-y. <br />yours a&4iA,4anc.e .in the pnvy'ect - ;6&� i;6 wi.0 become a .neati;6y <br />in ?o iev.iZZe - wi 1.1 be gaeady appirecia&d, <br />Condi.a4 <br />and a C. #en el (Mlt . Lloyd R. flendd) <br />Lloyd P. /%en&el <br />l . S. ay the W.14 Mt, Ruhov<na - /lave you �hougR what an a44ef- i.;..iA zo have <br />a ¢Hoop o?f ,aeruoir4 in a neighbvAhovd2 Be&idea being �uL - they av- <br />proven, ePici ent baby .ii -fie A - many are &4iLled gaAdenevi - and pi.�.,e <br />a 4ew can be teache to o� �ongo;ften &h" - which many young people now <br />are anxi.oua #.o lecurn, We a,& -.en, ow . Dave a &f- i-o o jge-c oure neighbdru. <br />