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CASE NUMBER: 1483-84 <br />APPLICANT: The Housing Alliance <br />Page 3 <br />shall be one-half of the height of the building. In this case, the side <br />yard required would thus be 37 feet whereas 30 feet is proposod. The rear <br />yard requirement would bo 51 feet whereas 44 foot is proposed. The building <br />location is largo controlled by the soil condition, though the Planning <br />Commission and Council may question the architects regarding their ability <br />to shift the building as related to the cast and south line of the site. <br />g. Attached is a copy of the report from the Engineering Department out.lini,ng <br />certain roquiromants. It would appear that all of those concerns can bj <br />handled and a condition ,attached to any approval eonaidered requiring <br />engineering review and approval. The applicants have asked whether or not <br />the public sidewalk could bo mov@d further south onto their own property. <br />We hbvc indicated that this could be door@ with City roviow and approval <br />if a public @49VzOnt 10 granted on that portion of the land occupied by <br />the IfOrmally, the sidewalk, of courae, is placed in the public <br />right-of-way. In this c490, the grad@ considerations might maka it <br />advivabl@ to movo the aid@vaik further south aid not necessarily run it <br />in a straight lino to iraprov@ its quality and ultimate u ,. <br />10. This propoeal I# r#at a plaottaed weir dwWeloTn� "Much <br />as a s1ngl@ <br />principal structur@ occupiag the cite, aid the a1t@, of ors@. hag <br />frotrtag@ on A public street. Itw much as A op@cial uee pe it is r@qu@et@d, <br />h v@r, the Planning C04=10§10n 4nd Council would have Ow right to <br />attach conditions too the apprOv.1l, Otte of which should b@ that the d @lop- <br />*ent be c*"tructcd In co€tfOr74#w@ with the plaote gubbitt@d as r@vis�, <br />or do )ust� ao of fir@ date of the Cods ll's act€Qtt. <br />ll. It would app"r that tkt@r@ is no quotation that th@ pr sal old <br />substatrtlally contribute to A houoing tit" in the City. Th@ lsswt@ s +s <br />to b@ Ott@ 1d.rg@ly of planting t6to sit@ go a.s to k@ it cot tibl@ with <br />nglglebOrhO i voncerors. W.@ ttd'V@ s @sted WO th@ a licattt.4, a r#V4# <br />vd <br />d@v@lo nt c'otrc@pt, which would placr the 6tagh@ s'ttuctu.r@ gall@l to <br />and noaror to C@unty � h. This plan uld +cork @Xcopt that a <br />substantial portictr Of Clio building would �54 fflaced on Ivor coil Conditions' <br />i t}:ailrly rmkinq it ure@cot icdl to co""Xuct, The architOct,e have, drawn a <br />proliminary e.k+ttch ittdacatitrg i w this eOlutiOn a old stork, A copy of ghat <br />dr4wing 1.s in the plattttifg fait Taut was not sub�ltt.�d as t1t@ir prrrp@sal <br />boc4um@ of tit@ t@ tontial for oxtrocasts. <br />12. TMr@ ai'lalrcation then i.s for a roxO€tltrg "C'm R-1 to R-3, Sp4@641 Us@ Pormit <br />for a larger 131u1 lding and hoaghts, and a rF4�o iatrce tO tt front And @id@ <br />yard ettl ck, a vdri4')c� to parking roquirt o�jjta, and oleo a varia�tc@ to <br />tit@ gN cif :: a w,iYri �s�it. Ors i ro p i� r@gAtirtd to to 700 uqu4ra <br />foot. Tit@ average unit size in thin paopo@al is 800 aquare f@@t. Ito are <br />not dwiro of the oxjet eito of the Oft b0dfOQm Unit proposed. Tho <br />architects should bo quouttofs cis tO this Vp€-cific number. <br />