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1 6 w • <br />EXHIBIT B <br />Section 273.76, Subd. 8. Assessment agreements. An authority may, upon <br />entering into a development or redevelopment agreement pursuant to section <br />273.75, subdivision 59 enter into a written assessment agreement in recordable <br />form with the developer or redeveloper of property within the tax increment <br />financing district which establishes a Ledi hereo until aket alue of the land and <br />specifted termination <br />completed improvements to be construe <br />date, which date shall be not later than thad t4ese�tion 273.n which75�, subdivision 1.increment gThe <br />no <br />longer be remitted to the authority pursuant <br />assessment agreement shall be presented to the county assessor, or city assessor <br />having the powers of the county assessor, of the jurisdiction in which the tax <br />increment financing district is located. The assessor shall review the plans and <br />specifications for the improvements to be constructed, review the market value <br />previously assigned to the land upon whichthe improvements ed in theassessment agreement <br />and, so long as the minimum market value <br />appears, to the judgment of the assessor, to be a reasonable estimate, sWI execute <br />the following certification upon such agreements <br />The undersigned assessor, being legally responsible for W. i ass MMOnt <br />of the above -described P��c on hereby crty upon ertifies that tha�letion Of �t?�e� et <br />improve- <br />ments to be constructed <br />value assigned to such land and improvements upon completion shall <br />not be less then S <br />Upon transfer of title of the land to be developed or redeveloped from the <br />authority to the developer or redevelops', forrecord mandtr�corded In �oI! e <br />ether <br />with a copy of this subdivision, shall ee filed <br />of the county recorder or filed in the office of the registrar of titles of the county, <br />where the real estate or any part thereoveis er, the assessor sh. Upon ll completion value the <br />improvements by the developer or red <br />property pursuant to section 273.11, except that the market value assigned therlittlined in eto <br />nt <br />shall not be loss than the minimum market vnla� oof the a� sscar to assign 0' <br />agreement, `�Othing herein sht,il limit tl4e discretion <br />market value W , kQ Propertyi11 exee$$ of the minimum market vsilue contained in <br />the asseisment agreement nor prohibit tine developer <br />ne�itre aveloper reduction <br />in s 6t <br />through the exercise of administrativelegal <br />value for property tax pins, provided, howae+ver, thlit tale developer or redevoi- <br />oper shall not seek, nor stall the city assemior, the county $aftssort the county <br />auditor, any board of review, tiny board of equalization, theom i "low the <br />Of <br />revenue or cony court of this st4ite grant a reduction of the market <br />valminimum market value contained in the asMSSm market vent during <br />ringthe term Of <br />h may result <br />the agreement filets of WON regardless of actual <br />from incomplete construction of improvement% destruction or diminution by any <br />cause, Insured or uninsured, except in the case of acquisition or rng of an eacquisition itiion of the <br />property by a public entmttsy•of ent <br />his Recording <br />s bdivisionli,rill constitute notice of the <br />Cumplying with the ter <br />agreement to any subsequent purchaser Or 11cue r binding upon ocor of the lanld or any part <br />thereof, whether voluntary or Involuntary, <br />and <br />E -g <br />