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Lexirngtc7rz Scti.o©IL News <br />Octo1ber I , 1988 <br />Citizens' Committee ttee for the PreseYwation of the Lexington School Park Area <br />Tom Turba Jerry Wilkins Dave Jaehne Mary Bakeman Fred Street <br />1170 W Burke 1151 Karyl Place 1171 Eldridge 1178 W Co Rd B 1200 Eldridge <br />489-0779 489-0463 488-6832 488-4416 489-8146 <br />AMAON <br />Here We Go Again! <br />Kaufhold has said he believes Dist.916 <br />As we enter fall, another plan and will remain beymd their current 2-year <br />preliminary plat for the Lex School lease. Officials from 916 have told <br />site has been submitted to the City of residents 916 will not be there beyond ' <br />Roseville. It calls for changing the their lease. Kaufhold wants assurance. <br />comprehensive land use plan for <br />Roseville and rezoning for 5+ acres. <br />Kaufhold's Plan: Three separate pieces <br />would be made from the 8.17 acres. <br />* Lot 1 is a 3-acre perk, 190 ft. wide, <br />from Lex to Lindy on the southern edge, <br />with a 40-ft strip along the western <br />edge, providing access to the park from <br />Co Rd B. This would be zoned R-1, and <br />would be part dedication (required from <br />Kaufhold under ordinance), part pur- <br />chased by the City, and part in trade <br />from the Roseville Schools in exchange <br />for a full-time Community Service of- <br />ficer in the schools. <br />* Lots 2 and 3 arm separated by a new <br />line, matching the line between commer- <br />cial and residentikil zoning across Co <br />Rd B and extending `o the park. <br />* Lot 2 is 2.8 acres, bounded by the <br />park strip on the west, the park on the <br />south, Co Rd B on the north. Kaufhold <br />has regaested R-3A zoning here. Under <br />this zoning, 17 apartment nits per <br />acre can be built, or 48 units in a <br />building 3 stories tall. Each unit is <br />required to have 2 parking spaces, in- <br />cluding one underground. <br />* Lot 3 is 2.35 acres, bounded by Lex, <br />Co Rd B, the park and the apartment <br />site. Requested rezoning is B-3, which <br />allows any kind of business to operate. <br />The other B-3 zoning on this corner <br />(with the exception of the additional <br />parking space at SuperAmerica) was set <br />up by Ramsey County before Roseville <br />was incorporated. <br />from the City that tax -increment <br />financing could be available in 2-10 <br />years, to finance demolition of the ex- <br />isting buildings and construction of <br />the anticipated apartment and commer- <br />cial. buildings. <br />Neighbors develop alternative plan <br />While Kaufold's plan does meet some of <br />the objections to past plans for the <br />site, we are proposing an alternative <br />(see drawin, on reverse side): <br />1. Park open space: While the perk is <br />3 acres, the layout cannot support <br />the existing ball field. A little <br />more land (1/2 acre) or shift in <br />lines would would allow continuation <br />of all current park facilities. <br />2. Business concentration: The amount <br />of B-3 on Kaufhold's plan is larger <br />than any of the other 3 corners at <br />that intersection, extending beyond <br />commercial development across Lex. <br />Again, shifting lines and subdivid- <br />ing Lot 3 into two sections (a B-3 <br />where he could move his business and <br />one B-1 for shared parking for the <br />B-3 and the park) creates a good <br />buffer to the neighborhood and sup- <br />ports a good neighborhood park. <br />(Kaufhold proposed this possibility <br />with ore of his previous plans.) <br />3. Tax inc *_vN_-nt financing: Such <br />financing is intended to help rede- <br />velop area,; such as the truck ter- <br />minals. 7lie current City Council <br />cannot bi.rcl future Councils to any <br />such commitmentb. <br />