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• <br />We the undersigned give approval to the building of The *Torthwestern District <br />Office on the corner of Lexington and Garden, Roseville ,MN. and for the <br />re -zoning from residential to B-1.. <br />Name Address <br />Parcel 2- 1128- Ruggles Street-- Jeffrey and Patricia Wagner <br />Parcel 13- 1131 Ruggles - William and T,ernice Johnson <br />Parcel. 14- 1123- Ruggles - Kathleen Davis <br />Parcel. 18- 1850 -Lexington Avenue - Harvey Prochnow <br />Parcel 19- 1045 Ruggles Street- Edward and Dorothy Norquist <br />Parcel 20- 1840 Lexington Avenue Robert Merritt <br />Parcel 21- 1820- Lexington Avenue- North Star State Bank <br />B <br />•� Parcel 22- 1072 -Ruggles - Albert and Angelina Ritt <br />Parcel 34- 1125 Garden Avenue - Mary Pothen <br />