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41256 Federal Register / Vol. 51. No. 219 / Thursday. November 13. 1986 / Rules and ResMations <br />(141 Minor road crossing fills includtrg <br />all attendant features. both temporary <br />and permanent. that are part of a single <br />and complete project for crossing of a <br />non -tidal waterbody, provided that the <br />crossing is culverted. bridged or <br />otherwise designed to prevent the <br />restriction of. and to withstand. <br />expected high flows and provided <br />further that discharges into any <br />wetlands adjacent to the waterbody do <br />not extend beyond 100 feet on either <br />side of the ordinary high water mark of <br />that waterbody. A "minor road crossing <br />fill" is defined as a crossing that <br />involves the discharge of less than 200 <br />cubic yards of fill material below the <br />plane of ordinary high water. The <br />crossing may require a permit from the <br />US Coast Guard if located in navigable <br />waters of the United States. Scme road <br />fills may be eligible for an exemption <br />from the need for a Section 404 permit <br />altogether (see 33 CFR 323.4). District <br />engineers are authorized, where local <br />circumstances indicate the need, to <br />define the term "expected high flows" <br />for the purpose of establishing <br />applicability of this nationwide permit. <br />(Sections 10 and 404) <br />(15) Discharges of dredged or fill <br />material incidental to the construction of <br />bridges across navigable waters of the <br />United tes, including cofferdams, <br />abutme.. foundation seals, piers, and <br />temporary construction and access fills <br />provided such discharge has been <br />authorized by the US Coast Guard as <br />part of the bridge permit. Causeways <br />and approach fills are not included in <br />this nationwide permit and will require <br />an individual or regional Section 404 <br />permit. (Section 404) <br />(16) Return water from an upland, <br />contained dredged material disposal <br />area (see 33 CFR 323.2(d)) provided the <br />state has issued a site specific or generic <br />certtfirat!on under section 401 of the <br />Clean Water Act (see also 33 CFR <br />325.2(b)(1)). The dredging itself requires <br />a Section 10 permit if located in <br />navigable waters of the United States. <br />The return water or runoff from a <br />contained disposal area is <br />administratively defined as a discharge <br />cf dredged material by 33 CFR 323.2(d) <br />aven though the disposal itself occurs on <br />the upland and thus does not require a <br />section 404 permit. This nationwide <br />permit satisfies the technical <br />requirement for a section 404 permit for <br />the return water where the quality of the <br />return waver is controlled by the state <br />through the section 401 certification <br />procedures. (Section 404) <br />(17) Fills associated with small <br />hydropower projects at existing <br />reservoirs where the project which <br />includes the fill is licensed by the <br />Federal Energy Regulatory Commission <br />(FERC) under the Federal Power Act of <br />1920. as amended; has a total generating <br />capacity of not more than 1500 kw (2.000 <br />horsepower); qualifies for the short -form <br />licensing procedures of the FERC (see 18 <br />CFR 4.ti1); and the district or division <br />engineer makes a determination that the <br />individual and cumulative adverse <br />effects on the environment are minimal <br />in accordance with § 30.7 (c)(2) and (d). <br />(Section 404) <br />(18) Discharges of dredged or fill <br />material into all waters of the United <br />States other than wetlands that do not <br />exceed ten cubic, yards as part of a <br />single and complete project provided the <br />material is not placed for the purpose of <br />stream diversion. (Sections 10 and 404) <br />(19) Dredging of no more than ten <br />cubic yards from navigable waters of <br />the United States as part of a single ind <br />complete project. This permit does ni t <br />authorize the connection of canals of <br />other artificial waterways to navigable <br />waters of the United States (see Section <br />33 CFR 322.5(g)). (Section 10) <br />(20) Structures, work, and discharges <br />for the containment and cleanup of oil <br />and hazardous substances which are <br />subject to the National Oil and <br />Hazardous Substances Pollution <br />Contingency Plan, (40 CFR Part 300), <br />provided the Regional Response Team <br />which is activated under the Plan <br />concurs with the proposed containment <br />and cleanup action. (Sections 10 and <br />404) <br />(21) Structures, work, discharge-3 <br />associated with surface coal mining <br />activities provided they were authorized <br />by the Department of the Interior, Office <br />of Surface Mining, or by states with <br />approved programs under Title V of the <br />Surface Mining Control and Reclamation <br />Act of 1977; the appropriate district <br />engineer is given the opportunity to <br />review the Title V permit application <br />and all relevant Office of Surface <br />Mining or state (as the case may be) <br />documentation prior to any decision on <br />that application; and the district or <br />division engineer makes a determination <br />that the individual and cumulative <br />adverse effects on the environment from <br />such structures, work, or discharges are <br />minimal in accordance with §§ 330.7 (c) <br />(2) and (3) and (d). (Sections 10 and 404) <br />(22) Minor work, fills, or temporary <br />structures required for the removal of <br />wrecked, abandoned, or disabled <br />vessels, or the removal of man-made <br />obstructions to navigation. This permit <br />does not authorize maintenance <br />dredging, shoal removal, or river bank <br />snagging. (Sections 10 and 404) <br />(23) Activities. work. and discharges <br />undertaken. assisted, authorized. <br />regulated. funded. or financed. in whole <br />or in part, by another federal agency or <br />department where that agency or <br />department has determined. pursuant to <br />the CEQ Regulation for Implementing <br />the Procedural Provisions of the <br />National Environmental Policy Act (40 <br />CFR Part 1500et seq ), that the 3ctr.ity. <br />work, or discharge is categorically <br />excluded from environmental <br />documentation because it is incl,.ided <br />within a category of actions which <br />neither individually nor cumulatively <br />have a significant effect on the human <br />environment. and the Office of the Chief <br />of Engineers (ATI'N: DAEN—CWO—N) <br />has been furnished notice of the <br />agency's or department's application for <br />the categorical exclusion and concurs <br />with that determination. Prior to <br />approval for purposes of this nationwide <br />permit of any agency's categorical <br />exlcusions, the Chief of Engineers will <br />solicit comments through publication in <br />the Federal Register. (Sections 10 and <br />404) <br />(24) Any activity permitted by a state <br />administering its own Section 404 permit <br />program for the discharge of dredged or <br />fill material authorized at 33 U.S.C. <br />1344(g)-(I) is permitted pursuant to <br />section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act <br />of 1899. Those activities which do not <br />involve a section 404 state permit are <br />not included in this nationwide permit <br />but many will be exempted by section <br />154 of ,Pub. L. 94-587. (See 33 CFR <br />322.3(a)(2)). (Section 10) <br />(25) Discharge of concrete into tightly <br />sealed forms or cells where the concrete <br />is used as a structural member which <br />would not otherwise be subject to Clean <br />Water Act jurisdiction. (Section 404) <br />(26) Discharges of dredged or fill <br />material into the waters listed in <br />paragraphs (a)(26) (i) and (ii) of this <br />section except those which cause the <br />loss or substantial adverse modification <br />of 10 acres or more of such waters of the <br />United States, including wetlands. For <br />discharges which cause the loss or <br />substantial adverse modification of 1 to <br />10 acres of such waters, including <br />wetlands, notification to the district <br />engineer is required in accordance with <br />section 330.7 of this section. (Section <br />404 ). <br />(i) Non -tidal rivers, streams, and their <br />lakes and impoundments, including <br />adjacent wetlands, that are located <br />above the headwaters. <br />(ii) Other non ttdal,waters:of the:; <br />United,States including adjacent'.. <br />wetlands.�that are not'part of su' face.;' <br />tributary system Ito'interstate"watersor, <br />