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NCSCO-RF (GP-001-MNT <br />2. If the proposed activity would occur in a hydroelectric project water, <br />the applicant must obtain Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approval, if <br />it is required. <br />3. Any and all special conditions or limitations stipulated by the MDNR <br />and MPCA become mandatory requirements of this general permit. <br />4. In addition to the above conditions this general permit is subject to <br />the following standard conditions, as applicable: <br />a. -111 work or discharges to a watercourse resulting from permitted <br />construction activities, particularly hydraulic dredging, must meet appli- <br />cable Federal, State and local water quality and effluent standards on a <br />continuing basis. <br />b. Measures ,must he adopted to pre%-ent potential pollutants from <br />entering the watercourse. Construction materials and debris, including <br />fuels, oil and other liquid substances, wi not be stored in the construc- <br />tio:i lren in a manner that would allow *.hem to enter the watercourse as a <br />result Df spillage, natural runoff, or Flooding. <br />C. If dredged or excavated material is placed on an upland disposal <br />:ite (above the ordinary high-water mark),the site must be securely �i'& <br />or contained by some other acceptable method that prevents the return of <br />potent ally polluting materials to the watercourse by surface runoff or <br />by leaching. The containment area, whether bulkhead or upland disposal <br />site, must be fully completed prior to placement of any fill material. <br />d. Upon completion of earthwork operations all exposed slopes, fills <br />. <br />and disturbed areas must be given sufficient protection by appropriate means <br />such as landscaping, or planting and maintaining vegetative cover to prevent <br />subsequent erosion. <br />e. kll fill (including riprap), if authorized under this permit, <br />must consist or suitable material free from toxic pollutants in other than <br />trace quantities. In addition, rock or fill material used for activities <br />:, <br />dependent upon this permit and obtained by excavation must either be ob- <br />tained from existing quarries or, if a new borrow site is opened up to obtain <br />*:�' �a•c —al, *,ie Sr.ate Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) must be noti- <br />�e� ,r-or to use, of the new site. Evidence of this consultation with the <br />SHPU will be forwarded to the St. Paul District Office by the permittee.` <br />E. If cultural, archaeological or historical resources are unearthed <br />during activities authorized by this permit, work must be stopped immediately <br />and the State Historic Preservation Officer must be contacted for further <br />instri- scion. <br />3B <br />