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-3- <br />18. For Variance Only: <br />A. Variance is requested from the following section of the City Code: <br />B. State exactly what is intended to be done on or with the property <br />which does not conform with the City Code: <br />19. Applicants requesting a rezoning, special use permit, variance, divi- <br />sion of lot, or platting of property are encouraged to conduct a neigh- <br />borhood meeting at least fifteen (15) days before the scheduled Planning <br />Commission Public Hearing, and shall send notices to all of the affectec <br />property owners. Affected owners are those listed on the required <br />Abstractor's Certificate. The meeting shall be a time for the applicant <br />to review and explain the proposed development to the owners. <br />This requirement applies only when residential property, R-1 through R 8, is listed on the Abstractor's Certificate. This requirement does <br />not apply to property proposed for development which is zoned R-1 and <br />will be or continue to bemused for single housing. <br />Please indicate the date that you b*V2x=kxX= will be meeting with the <br />affected property owners: April 6th thru April 15th <br />Information to be submitted for all applications except minor variance: <br />A. Application and Fee. <br />B. Abstractor's Certificate listing the NAMES AND ADDRESSES of the <br />owners of the land within 250 feet of the boundaries of the propert: <br />in question as those names appear on the records of the Ramsey Coun? <br />Auditor (350 feet for Special Use Permit and rezoning application). <br />Hearing notices will be mailed to listed property owners. <br />C. Proposed Plan (2 copies). <br />D. 8 1/2 x 11" reductions of the proposed plan (26 copies). <br />E. Written statement by the applicant which provides the details of <br />the application. The statement will be <br />given the ing <br />Commission and City Council along with the City oPlanner's nreport. <br />F. Documents as required by the Cit•; Planner. <br />20. Application Process: <br />A• opllcation and accompanying dccuments reviewed Wlzh !: - Cit�f <br />Staff. <br />B- Compietvd Ippi'cat:.o1presentea to the Cit1 _ <br />the Planning �mmi�s��;: Council -or referral to <br />or public hearing. <br />C. Plannina c�cmmission ccnducts public hearing and makes recommenda- <br />tion to t' e Cit r Council. <br />D. City Council conducts public hearino. <br />