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There would be the potential for internal site interference in <br />which the internal circulation could break down. Motorists <br />exiting a south Fairview drliveyt!v at the same time that a <br />truck entors could block tho driveway. Ajzo, exiting <br />customera waiting at the traffic sign"-1 wili frequently cause <br />a queue that blocks the entry to the rear service bays. <br />The southonat corner of <br />the <br />site <br />would <br />logo goo* customer <br />p:--king <br />stalls because of <br />the <br />wider <br />aisle <br />needed for tvo-way. <br />traffic,. <br />Thto area would <br />aloo <br />h4va <br />to be <br />reassigned to allow <br />tor a <br />driv@w4y to <br />the <br />wo4t <br />of the <br />building. <br />A tva-wAy <br />driY4� vill bo v@ry <br />clo#o_ <br />to tho <br />buildltvj and bO <br />difficult <br />for p�odootrl4no <br />who <br />p,ark <br />to the <br />@--tot to crow thO <br />drivo. <br />ExAlftt) u t r M-ly tin-4 It 4.Wtvult to check for other <br />Wk-Vto;r1§t# Ontot°lm) the *Ito th";t It. C�_;*UOO 4* Conflict in <br />getting to the <br />61two there will t),# A right out @Wa to Ntrvlto th@ north* <br />th@r@ I* littl@ 4o_,J to providt, oftomor lacAtion In ouch C100# <br />PrOX141ty for vohicloo to 4*4t )s4-§t to tho go-Uth of th@ <br />r@§�t4urmftt. 71to only dlrovt s ftut pvaltltt_4 at the gilt@ Vold <br />b.#- to p d e rOhbVV,11%tJ C@In4r. cuotaffi4r* Vighirm" to 9@t to <br />P*0V,441q VCM114 6*tt 04009h the "fth drIVOWY. V,10@ -4 flf)ht tUr# <br />onto 4,L4,0_41,14"t Oftd 4 I&-tt t4,ttt Im-4 Ot thig fW-4 <br />or th,4-, Y F Uot- 1414 k4-0' tu'PlAh MW 00t tO <br />POO@4414 V14 C#qAtT <br />tr� for t;vo aftk tr4gk,*. <br />4 f%4 t *VW 406'." el # h '41V t t t I*r <br />14 t It <br />t 4h CO 4 3 hlr-' a c )P.. <br />1C r <br />41 <br />t 4 147;dy r4c <br />4- ti. <br />Ir <br />1 <br />4 zf <br />.4 Ll Z, <br />n. It' f not 1- <br />m­) r 4m 4'*-c fit <br />4 q ft,-t I i A= -4 <br />W i t ko U t flit r c 3 4 <br />4 t Vq F r i z�� 0 <br />1 <br />1"V <br />Y <br />Vio,old no <br />ent-'ett r'O IV *-jft" e"Jjtj%,r. f-, <br />71 <br />u t "ho 1),a ci, <br />VC14ieleZ ­t,44 "Cl <br />1� <br />et r ottt i_-Ait uolgtij <br />tho <br />6 <br />