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PF1000 - PF1999
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2/20/2024 9:22:51 AM
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2/20/2024 9:11:10 AM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
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Parcel 4 . <br />Parcel 5. <br />The East 100 feet of Lots 5 and 6, J. F. Eisenmengers Garden Lots. <br />Except that portion which lies Southwest of a line run parallel with <br />and distant 40 feet Northeasterly of the following described ine: <br />Beginning at a point on the West line of Section 7, Township 29 North, <br />Range 22 Nest, Distant 886 feet North of Southwest corner; thereof; <br />thence run East at an angle of 90 degrees with said West Section Line <br />for 20 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 20-degree 0 minutes curve` <br />(delta angle 53 degrees, 09 minutes 16 feet) for 265.77 feet; thence <br />deflect to the left on a 20 degree, 00 minute curve (delta angle <br />53 degrees. 05 minutes, 07 seconds) for,,,265.43 feet and there <br />terminating. <br />Apparent Record Owners: David E. Koopman and Jane E. <br />Koopman, husband and wife <br />Address: None Given <br />lrih� lyla,� <br />l rtfl�r rvha� <br />Lot 6, except the Easterly 165 feet of said Lot and except part taken <br />for highway in J. F. Eisenmenger's Garden Lots. <br />Apparent Record Owner: Marian F. Grover <br />Address: None Given <br />Parcel 6. Lot 2, PIichel's Rearrangement of Lots 9 to 16 inclusive, of Mackubin <br />& Iglehart's Addition of Outlots to St. Paul, excepting the Westerly <br />220 feet and the Southerly 250 feet,thereof prviously conveyed by <br />decedent. <br />Apparent Record Owners: Leona A. Richter, daughter, and <br />Nicholas A. Werner, son, share and <br />share alike. <br />Address: None Given /,Z / DA,; 'wti 4-e <br />Parcel 7. Lot 3, Michels Rearrangement of Lots 9 to 16 inclusvie of MacKubin and <br />Iglehart's Addition to Outlots to St. Paul except the East 155 feet <br />of part North of the South 30 feet thereof; except the North 145 feet <br />of the East 150 feet thereof; except the North 200 feet of part West <br />of, the East 150 feet thereof; except the West 160 feet of part South of <br />the North 200 feet and North of the South 15 feet thereof-. <br />Apparent Record Owners: Country Kitchen International, Inc. <br />(Minn. Corp.) <br />Address.: 2257 Rice Street <br />Parcel B. The East 155 feet of Lot 3, Michels Rearrangement of Lots 9 to 16 <br />inclusive of Mackubin and Iglehart's Addition of Outlots to St. Paul.; <br />Except the north 145 feet of the East 150 feet thereof; Except the <br />North 200 feet of the part West of the East 150 feet thereof; Except <br />the South 30 feet thereof. <br />Apparent Record Owners: Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc. <br />(Indiana Corp.) <br />Address: None Given <br />Parcel 9. See Documents Number 2192398 and 2212344 attached hereto marked as <br />Exhibit's "A" and "B" for full particulars. <br />Address: 192 Minnesota Street <br />0 <br />
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