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Parce -10. That part of Lot 3 of Michels Rearrangement of Lots 9 to 16 inclusive <br />of Mackubin and Igleharts Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, described <br />as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3, <br />thence East along the North line thereof a distance of 470 feet <br />to a point which is the place of beginning; thence South and parallel <br />with Rice Street, a distance of 200 feet, thence East 120 feet; <br />thence North 200 feet to the South line of Minnesota Avenue; thence <br />West along the South line of Minnesota Avenue a distance of 120 <br />feet, to p 1_ace of beginning. <br />Apparent Record Owners: Delwyn F. Olson <br />W. Martin Stauderattaier, II, and <br />Majella D. Staudenmaier, husband <br />and wife, as joint tenants <br />Marion M. Clare <br />Address: 178 Minnesota Ave. <br />Par e1 11. Beginning at a point 590 feet East of the Northwest corner of <br />Lot 3, Michel's Rearrangement of lots 9 to 16 inclusive of <br />Mackubin and Iglehart's Addition of Outlots to St. Paul; thence <br />75 feet East parallel with Minnesota Street, thence 200 feet South <br />parallel with Rice Street, thence 75 feet West, thence 200 feet <br />North to Place of beginning, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. <br />Apparent Record Owners: Elizabeth J. Doumany and Greg J. <br />Doumany <br />Address: 174 Minnesota Avenue <br />Parc 12. The East 75 feet of the West 740 feet of the North 200 feet of Lot 3,, <br />Michels Rearrangement of Lots 9 to 16 inclusive of Mackubin and <br />Igleharts Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul./ <br />Apparent Record Owner: Jean Frances Moder <br />Contract Purchaser: Mullengar, Inc. <br />Timothy F. Madden <br />Diane J. Madden <br />Address: 162 Minnesota Avenue <br />Parce� 3. The North 200 feet of Lot 3, Michels Rearrangement of Lots 9 through <br />16 inclusive, Mackubin & Igleharts Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, <br />7 except the West 740 feet and the East 150 feet, also the West 46.5 <br />feet of the East 150 feet of the North 145 feet of said Lot 3. <br />Apparent Record Owners: Ronald Dale Roelofs and <br />Judith Ann Roelofs, as joint <br />tenants <br />Address: 156 11innesota Avenue <br />Roseville, 1Zl 55113 <br />Pare 14. The North 145 feet of the East 103.5 feet of Lot 3, Michel's Re <br />Arrangement of Lots 9 to 16 inclusive of Mackubin and Iglehart's <br />Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, together with easement for <br />construction, maintenance, and operation of a sewer across and under <br />a strip of land 10 feet in width lying 5 feet on each side of the <br />follwoing described centerline to wit: Beginning at a point on the <br />line of the sanitary sewer of the Village of Roseville 190 feet South <br />and 158 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence <br />North 53 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly at an angle of <br />45 degrees to the right 77 feet, more or less, to the West line of <br />the tract hereinabove described and there terminating, all in <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />Apparent Record Owners: Thomas C. Thul and Janet L. Thul, <br />husband and wife, as joint tenants <br />Address: None Given <br />