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r <br />EXAMINER OF TITLE$ <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />WILLIAM J. MCGRAW, EXAMINER January 16, 1984 <br />504 COMMERCE BUILDING <br />WILLIAM E. MANLEY, DEPUTY <br />ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 <br />JUDD S. MULALLY, DEPUTY <br />(612) 298.4371 <br />Thomas H. Borman, Attorney at Law <br />1800 Midwest Plaza Building <br />Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 <br />RE: P.S. 1466 <br />Dear Mr. Borman: <br />ia1v 1 7 J.%5 <br />In response to your inquiry as to the reason for our preliminary report in the above ! <br />case, I attempted to explain that without knowing exactly what is being done by the <br />municipality, it is impractical for us to try and issue a report in this proceeding. <br />The main thrust of your petition is to add vacated streets to numerous certificates <br />of title. We could pert:aps investigate the facts and issue a report based on the assump- <br />tion that certain streets will be vacated in the future and proof of that vacation must <br />be established before an order could be entered. However, to do so,, we would need at the <br />very least a copy of the resolution the municipality proposes to pass. This would be <br />necessary in order to prepare a proposed order and new descriptions for the lands involved. <br />If you could furnish such a proposed resolution to us we could proceed in that vein. <br />The only thing we have to indicate what will be done by the municipality is the <br />notice of public hearing which your office had the Roseville Clerk forward to us. A copy <br />Of it is attached. As you can see, it is not very informative, neither specifying by <br />name the streets to be vacated nor any other public utility easements to be vacated. <br />Yours truly, ' <br />William E. Manley , <br />Deputy Examiner '•- ' <br />WEM/lam � <br />