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1 1 LitNFaU �NHURST �i+� L�UN KN�+A K F' 4� c• <br />1�_ . <br />7. the Agency, its officers,' employees and agents shall review and comment <br />upon engineering reports, and construction plans and specifications which <br />provide the basis for this permit solely for the limited purpose of deter.. <br />• Mining whether such report, plans and spa cificati.on.s will enable the fact. <br />Uties subject thereto to reasonably comply with the regulations and cri- <br />teria of the Agency. ' <br />8. The plans for the project have been approved with the reservations stated <br />on the attached sheet entitled I laormation Relative to Review of Plans <br />and Permit Applicationst'. <br />9, Certification of completion of the project shall be made immediately after <br />construction is finished and reports on operational practices shall, be <br />submitted as may be required by the Agency. ' <br />104 This permit has not been reviewed by the U. S.. Znvirormental, protection <br />Agency and is not issued pursuant to the Oil Pollution Prevention Reg l - <br />lations of the EPA as'set forth in the Federal. Register, Volume 38, num- <br />ber 237t Part 21 Y3e cember 111 1573 - <br />e e. <br />Ile This permit does not relieve the perrd.ttee of his obligation to comply with <br />'the Minnesota State Fire Marshal's Flammable liquids coder as amended. <br />22. There shall. be no open drains within the diked area.. <br />1,3. The shall be no discharge of contaminated preciipi,•tatioa runoff from this <br />facility. e <br />344 The perm3.ttee shall. notify Che Agency i wrted3.ataly of the cU.scbarge t accidental, <br />or. otharwise ? of any substance or material, under his coatrol which, if not <br />recovered? may cause pollution of waters of -the state, and 116 pormittee <br />shall recover as rapidly and as thoroughly au possible such eubstence or <br />material tend take i;vwdiately such other action as may be re uonably pos- <br />eible to minimize or abate pollu ion of wrU-,rs of the state eavzed thereby,. <br />15. Any oil or other floating or settleable material removed from the precipi- <br />'tation runoff by manual eki.mmieng or by an oil separator shall be co handled <br />that a nuisance is not created and shall. be disposed of in a Runner aatic . <br />factory to the Agency. <br />• <br />ee <br />