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0 <br />9 <br />• <br />i <br />i <br />r <br />� <br />v <br />e <br />f ' <br />t L <br />LE. GEKJD <br />'ro t: R 5 <br />rJ rr,i r. , <br />r NE.'vV 51:'01' ELE-VA-ri-W <br />x FXI'Z_,I4-, SP07=�rVATi01J <br />- -->-> DhAIN•+aE <br />- _AN - - SAN17ARi �'LwER ' <br />�HAIIJ SINK FENCE <br />-' FR.OFER fY _INES <br />- -. -- - (A S F_ T.5 r <br />4 --.�`- 41?Y -�- " -_ - _ -r.- t•-•r -«-, _ _ -•^- _.C. •� �-�. •w•.•.- 4- �40t 1 <br />1- .l 44l" <br />.�_ i ■ it �� ,bi it ,n <br />1IFW ti.. I .. A r• -,i ' nA • ..i �� I. <br />RL-0 AarE 5 r.: k <br />Ili \\ _ / 'r1 •J �yv F.cov •',4iGL1rY �,-our t _. ., -•� - v93a <br />X ,� (?/ .' `.,y ••� ` '4•! '1 I,' . A. <br />BA <br />J, <br />\\ �`-_ ��, III` `_ �, \ � (\��5�' `,'yam, rl r (�•.-r c`i4 ;C •.. •.k% \ �F� - ry arS ..o �q 'vvS Jv r ' ,.,4, • 1 I r .. <br />YJ <br />kj <br />C� A <br />_ 34. <br />AA <br />3 Provide 3" clear cover, for all footing reinforcement. 3. Mortar The mortar used for masonry construction shall be <br />S_PFCIFiCATIONS FOR: MINNESOTA SOLVENTS b__C_H_E_MICA_LS 4 °rovide wall footing reinforcing in stock. lengths and bend Type "M" and shall conform to all the requirements of the <br />COMMISSION -0 187-89-01 in field as required Lap bars minimum 24 diameters unless Uniform Building Code. latest edition <br />noted otherwise. and stagger splices. 4. Construction: The first course of all hollow masonry shall <br />01000 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 6 Cast dowels in footinys to match bars above whey einforced be laid in full bed of mortar. All units shall be laid with <br />I Contractor shall verify alwalls or columns occur. Column and wall reinfor g dowels full face shell mortar beds All head and end joints shall <br />l dimensions and conditions on to project 24 diameters. Provide 900 bend in umn and be filled solidly with mortar for a distance in from the <br />site and building before construction is begun All observed pilaster footing dowels and straight dowels in l foot face of the unit or wall not less than the thickness of <br />discrepancies shall be reported immediately to the Engineer ings longitudinal horizontal and vertical joints, unless noted <br />2. Design loads Per Minnesota Building Code 6. Wall footings shall be stepped I vertical to 2 hor ntal at otherwise. <br />3. Structural members Including joists. slabs. beams trusses. elevation changes, unless noted otherwise Max rep of 5. All masonry walls shall be reinforced with cold drawn steel <br />columns and walls are designed for "in -place" loads. Con - a single step shall be 16". wire conforming to ASTM A-82 and "Federal Specification 00- <br />tractor Is responsible for shoring and bracing. without 7- Slabs on grade are to receive a hard steel trowelled finish W461F". standard 9 gauge x 9 <br />gauge with side rods ap- <br />overstressing. all structural elements as requ,,ed at any and minimum seven (7) days of curing while covered with a proximately 2" less than nominal wall thickness. placed with <br />stage of construction until completion of this project. polyethylene film or liquid spray on hardener compatible minimum 5/8" mortar coverage to outside face. Side rod shall <br />4. Contractor shall take adequate precautions to insure the with future finishes lap minimum 6" at splices. The top course and first two <br />safety of all structures and people during construction 8 Construction Joints (CJ) shall be sawn as soon as possible courses above and below all openings shall be reinforced <br />02000 S_lTEWORK: <br />after casting slab concrete, but not before the concrete has with joint reinforcing extending 24" beyond openings. Rein - <br />- set sufficiently to prevent ravelling of the joint edges forcement shall be continuous at 8" on center maximum ver- <br />trom sawing. Joints shall be cut to a depth of between 20% tir_aI spacing, but shall not pass through control joints. <br />I. Shore all walls adequately before backfilling and compacting and 25X of slab depth Zip Strip inserts may be substituted All single width walls shall be reinforced with Duro-Wall <br />No part of the structure shall be placed on frozen soil for sawn joints Truss type or equal. The collar <br />Adequate protection from frost penetration in the soil under 9 A All reinforced concrete work shall be done in accord- <br />wythes shall be filled with mortar orogroutbetween multiple <br />2. <br />the structure shall be provided ance with the "Building Code Requirements for Rein- 6. Con'act lap splices for vertical reinforcing• unless noted <br />Safe bearing pressure of soil is assumed to be 2.000 0/SF. forced Concrete." ACI 318-83. All strengths noted below otherwise. <br />Verify capacity with inspection by an independent geotechni- are 28 day strengths. A. Walls and pilasters retaining earth: 42 bar diameters <br />cal engineering laboratory At time of excavation for foot- 8. Interior slabs on grade = 3500 psi B. Walls and pilasters above grade: 30 bar diameters <br />i n g s notify Engineer if conditions are found to vary. C Footings = 3000 psi Reinforcing bars shall be ASTM Grade 60. accurately posi- <br />3 All topsoil and organic material shall be removed from D All other structural concrete - F -c = 3000 psi tioned according to the drawings and shall be secured to <br />within the building area. Fill shall be granular inorganic (excludes precast) prevent displacement during grouting. <br />fill placed in maximum 8" lifts and compacted to 95% Maximum E See masonry notes for grout used in masonry construc- 7• Grout for bond beams, pilasters and core fill shall have a <br />Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D-1557) tion. minimum f ' c = 3750 psi at 28 days. shall be in accordance <br />4. Unless footings are placed on undisturbed native soil the F Exterior• concrete shall have 51 minimum entrained air. with ASTM C-475 and shall be a maximum size of 3/8" in <br />bottom of footing excavations and the fill under all build - 10 Reinforcing steel shall be ASTM A-615, Grade 60. except for aggregate. Calcium chloride shall not be used in grout, <br />ing limits and within a zone encompassed by a plane at 45° ties in columns. pilasters and beams which may be Grade 40 8. Grouting of walls shall be accomplished by one of the fol- <br />with the vertical extending outward from the bottom corners Ail bars 03 and larger shall be deformed. lowing methods. unless noted otherwise: <br />of footings shall be inspected and tested for in glace A. Place grout in maximum 4'-0" lifts and consolidate. Ai - <br />density and approved by an independent soil testing low grout to set for minimum of 15 minutes between each <br />laboratory to verify bearing capacity. Surface compact 03410 PRECAST CONCRETE succeeding o set lift. <br />natural cut areas as directed by testing laboratory repre- 1 The precast concrete manufacturer shall design all members B. Place grout in maximum 8'-0" lifts and consolidate. AI- <br />sentative. for indicated design loads for beams and planks. low grout to be set for minimum of 24 hours between <br />5 Immediately prior to placing slabs on grade. a 4" minimum 2 Shop drawings bearing the sea] of a Professional Engineer, each succeeding 8'-0" lift. Provide cleanouts at bottom <br />granular subgrade shall be compacted to a minimum of 951 emplo ed b the of cores to be filled. <br />y y precast concrete manufacturer and registered <br />Maximum Modified Proctor Dry Density (ASTM 0-1557) Dampen in the State of Minnesota. shall be submitted for review 9• All masonry shall be laid in running bond. unless noted <br />subgrade immediately prior to slab placement prior• to fabrication The shop drawings shall show details otherwise. <br />6. Site fill outside building limits may be imported granular of all connections to be used. 10. Provide control joints at maximum 20'-0" on center in <br />fill or native inorganic material. compacted to 901 of exterior, walls above grade unless noted otherwise. <br />Standard Proctor Density 04000 MASONRY: t <br />II Provide 8" of bearing each end for block linels. unless <br />noted otherwise. Fill block cores solid at jambs for bearing <br />03000 - CONCRETE: 1, under lintels and reinforce rfith two 04 reinforcing bars <br />- - - Code for concrete masonry construction: "National Concrete vertical, unless notuJ otherwise <br />Masonry Association" 12 Unless noted otherwise concrete masonry lintels for open - <br />I. Ail footing elevations shown are top of footings 2. Concrete masonry units The quality standards for the units ings up to 6'-0" shall be 8" high bond beam block with two <br />2 All footing; shall be centered under walls or columns above shall conform to the "American Standard Specifications for 05 reinforcing bars; lintels for openings over 6'-O" up to <br />unless noted otherwise Hollow Load Bearing Masonry Units" (ASTM C9n-70). Minimum 12'-0" shall be 16" high bond beam block with two 06 rein- <br />f'c shall be 3750 psi based on face shell mortar beddinq forcing bars. <br />05000 - STRUCTURAL STEEL AND DECKING: <br />1. Conform to the latest edition of ASTM Standard Specifica- <br />tions where noted. Fabricate structural steel in accordance <br />with the "Specifications for the Design Fabrication and <br />Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" and the "Code of <br />Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" of the <br />American Institute of Steel Construction, latest edition. <br />and approved shop drawings. <br />2. Erect structural steel din accordance with the <br />"Specifications for the Des igt, Fabrication and Erection of <br />Structural Steel for Building9" and the "Code of Standard <br />Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" of the American <br />Institute of Steel Construction. latest edition• and ap- <br />proved shop drawings. <br />3. Conform to the requirements of the "Specifications for <br />Structural Joints using A325 Bolts" of the RISC. Conform to <br />the requirements of the Structural Welding Code --Steel, of <br />the American Welding Society (AWS 01.1. latest edition). <br />4. Perform welding by operators who have been previously <br />qualified by tests as prescribed in the American Welding <br />Society "Standard Qualifications Procedure" to perform the <br />types of work required. <br />5. Metal roof deck shown shall be 11/2" wider rib, painted. <br />VuIcraft. type LSB19 or approved equal. <br />6. Painting: Hentzon Paint Company's, Wisconsin 04080. Tnemec <br />Company's 01009• Rust-Oleum Corporation's 0960, or approved <br />equal. Color: light grey. (Color: manufacturer's standard.) <br />Clean materials thoroughly and apply one coat of paint at <br />the shop. Apply two field coats of exterior enamel of color <br />chosen by Owner. <br />DIVISION 07000 - THERMAL AND MDISTunE nnu"TEET10N <br />07200 -_INSULATION <br />1. Roofing insulation shall be expanded polystyrene tapered <br />3"to 6", in two inch maximum layers with staggered joints. <br />2. Install in accordance with roofing manufacturers reccomenda <br />tions. <br />07410-EXPI.OSION RELIEF PANEL <br />Install field assembled wall panel as shown on drawing. <br />Materials shall be by Walcon or approved equal. Provide 3" . <br />0.58 density fiberglass insulation in the core. Inner liner <br />panel shall be 22 gauge steel, type LJ-3, painted white. <br />Outer panel shall be 22 gauge steel panels of the "Rol -Line" <br />series. profile and color to be selected by the owner from <br />manufacturer's standard offering. Contractor shall submit <br />literature on profiles and color samples for owner's selec- <br />tion, and complete shop and erection drawings to the en- <br />gineer for review. <br />07500 - M,MRRANE ROOFING BASF <br />I. E'P.l' A roofing shall be Carlisle Sure -Seal Roofing System: <br />Univer%h\ pesign B or equal. <br />2. Install in strict compliance with manufacturers specifica- <br />tion- including installation of all flashing and sheet me- <br />tal <br />07610 - METAL ROOF DECKING <br />I. Roof decking to b& 22 gage wide rib decking by Inryco or <br />equal <br />07900 - SEALANTS <br />I. Extruded caulking as required to be monolastomeric. as <br />1 manufactured by Tremco or equal. <br />2. Provide ethafoam rod stock backer at all joints 3/16" or <br />larget- <br />o 8000__ DOORS: <br />I. Provide aluminum thresholds and weatherstripping for all ex <br />ter ior doors as noted on drawings. <br />2. Hollow Metal: All hollow metal doors shall be 13/4" •hick <br />with 18 gage flush seamless faces, including urethane core <br />in exterior doors, and mechanically interlocked vertical <br />edges and top and bottom closed flush with 16 gage steel <br />channels. Frames shall be 16 gage interior and 14 gage ex- <br />terior. All hollow metal shall be reinforced for closers. <br />Fill frames adjacent to masonry with mortor. Provide an- <br />chorages as required. <br />5. Coiling Doors shall be face mounted push up, type FN4, as <br />manufactured by Overhead Door Co. or approved equal. <br />6. BIa,t resistant doors shall be of 3 hr. fire resistant con <br />struct ion and where applicable, insulated with incombustible <br />mineral fiber. Doors shaI be of flush construction, for low <br />range blast pressures. fabricated of formed sheet steel with <br />internal reinforcing proportioned to withstand the the <br />dynamic stresses resulting from .7 psi, <br />Frames shall be of structural steel shapes or heavy <br />gauge formed stee l• factory prepared for fitting of hardware <br />and sealing devices where required. <br />