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Mi .JRANDUM <br />Page Three <br />April 10,1989 <br />Doug McChane said that be would have Dave Koski of Barton Aschman recontact <br />Strgar-Roscoe to coordinate the issue of bus traffic. He further stated that the park and ride <br />operation presented no difficulties. During holiday seasons, those areas are temporarily <br />relocated. However, how and where buses stacked would require further discussion. <br />5. Ken Meister reviewed the utility relocation drawings and the preliminary parking ramp <br />layout. He mentioned that the utility relocation plan had an omisssion on the original plan <br />submitted with the application last week. He will leave an updated set with the City and <br />will replace the 26 copies in the application package. <br />The existing storm sewer, sanitary sewer, rind water main will be relocated to a <br />50-foot wide corridor between the proposed Dayton's stop: and the proposed <br />parking ramp. <br />11sere will 1w no increase in storm water nsn•taff as tlwrr will be to net incre&w Of <br />impervious area on the she. <br />New riich basins will be added undt r the parking desks and OW into tiv., storm <br />sewer. <br />Karl KtV1 rvNjucSW that the ptaCetrcnt cif 011umnli tV iTXIiC4W- for the parkinA cl ,* w Iw" <br />the utility rc* ition plan is t ubmltW. <br />Ken 14teiver' (ly e*P9aiWd the pforowd I r irg k <br />'I'm south dwill tv arai d deck. a A(e 010 + i`ttln p4tld,nA Iot., �.l!:taly tninit l <br />ew <br />' +%cap°4000 will IV m1u0W to W rWg.4rY cl .rai tot F rei ,1"aw: <br />fiT�e w deck will W ate: ttotn nfmk "VI at dw wvtl outer kop roadnw <br />loop road will 4,k� to tv rai d"MUtttely " beet AWV01 to the t. t VdW of <br />tip c k irj► or ^t � rnatcl!n ,nitC,ant eu�AV-41ion will tv ►t-cluirvd to <br />Xlt`"Ve ckmmmv Tot the &0 <br />Cte faw umler Owe t tt►ltr�; R Iti W11 t*- a 01itUn410% 01 I ' 'T) <br />WOW* bewom IN, dot- are! 140te will tv Its` O' Itw irtw gip to alq <br />alkiwit fug at WA 1444` eiw)Ar ups tic t db.1 <br />_ ;eta haunt W1V oil the rgrr�p� will tv 4% -4 will (*� twr osily on its II I* Rat the <br />Wit rateip, <br />i loWard 0altl rer+,.4- it dc,4 1 t... t+rdutt%j W I U = I M . % 1 <br />Out in ordv r to do that 11W rifts r d wwou*v. '14ty to 11t0vx^ out 0 ,11%fua+ nt of Ov. 401V,*1 <br />Ilk- Ir4in4 w Awiltw mtrartce W-OUid -.A to Ira }V-AW It W4% <br />tom► Mum of 4 w0ukl tv xxvr4at , It wa" twolk)"imi 0*41 pinl; the wit ramp woulis <br />offer nm*irtaulo VimWlity to the ctl1w, <br />